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Jin Ah took her nurse duties to heart. She was constantly checking if Ji Sung was feeling dizzy or had some pain that he didn't have when he was confined. She also tended to his wounds and gave him the medicines prescribed by his doctors. Add to that she cooked him his meals, fluffed his pillows and even assisted him in getting dressed after he bathed.

When he ventured out to try to go down and help her with the cooking, she quickly reprimanded him. "Aish! You are not well yet. Doctor said to stay in bed at least until tomorrow."

"I'm getting bored in the room. Can I at least stay in the living room?"

Reluctantly, she agreed but helped him down the stairs. "What do you want? Do you want me to get you some books from your library?"

He shook his head, reaching for the book by the side table. "This is fine."

"How are you feeling today? Is your rib feeling better?" She asked.

"I'm great, Jin-ssi," he assured. "You need to rest, too. I worry you might get sick from taking care of me this much."

She rolled her eyes. "I'll be fine and I promise I am taking care of myself as well. Let me do this, okay? I don't like that your ill but I do love taking care of you."

"Jin-ssi, you make my heart flutter."


They shared a smile before she continued. "I have to pass by the office later just to pick up some papers I need to sign. Do you want me to get anything for you while I'm out? Or if there's anything at the office you need me to get for you as well?"

"No, I'm good. I'll be back by the end of the week anyway, I think it can wait."

Jin Ah nodded approvingly. "Good answer. Focus on your rest."

When she got to the office that afternoon, Eun Ju went to visit her immediately. "Jin Ah. How is Hwang Ji Sung-ssi?"

"He's doing better. Thankfully, he didn't break anything but he has so many bruises. We're seeing his doctor in a couple of days and if he shows no other signs of possible problems, he may be able to report for work this week."

"That's good news." Before Eun Ju could say more, another visitor came in.

"Kim Ryeo-won," Jin Ah said, recognising the woman's presence. Nodding to Eun Ju to leave them, she turned to Ryeo-won, "How may I help you?

"I wanted to check how Ji Sung is doing."

"He's fine."

The woman looked down, not meeting Jin Ah's gaze. "May I see him? I would like to apologise in person. I've sent him messages but he has not responded."

Crossing her arms, Jin Ah said, "He does not wish to see you. It would be quite obvious why." Narrowing her eyes at Ryeo-won, she asked, "Why are you doing this? You have a fiancé and Ji Sung and I are together. Why chase after him?"

Ryeo-won was silent.

"Is it his Father?"

Rye-won looked up quickly in surprise.

"Ji Sung told me that his Father paid you to leave him once, so I would not be surprised if he meddled again. It just makes no sense to me to pay you off to leave him and then pay you now to get him back."

For the first time since Jin Ah knew her, Ryeo-won looked defeated. Taking a seat, "Chairman Hwang... we owe him money. My fiancé's business was losing a lot of money and Chairman Hwang is the only one who helped us," Ryeo-won explained. "He... He didn't really tell us to break you guys up, just to test your relationship with him. In the course of doing this, I... realized I missed Ji Sung. We were very good together and working with him now made me remember that time when we were very happy."

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