Good Vibrations

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Ji Sung spotted the person he was supposed to meet at a corner table away from most of the crowd in the coffee shop. It was the perfect spot for them to discuss. "Lee Min-gyu." They shook hands. Turning to Jin Ah, Ji Sung made the proper introductions. "I would like you to meet my fiancée, Yoo Jin Ah."

"It's nice to meet you. Are you joining us?"

Jin Ah shook her head. "No, no. I'll take a spot somewhere so you guys can have some privacy."

The other man nodded. Ji Sung informed him that they will just purchase their coffees and he will head to their table. He escorted Jin Ah to an empty table she preferred so that she could read her book. "Are you sure you'll be okay?"

"Yes! Go. Don't mind me. Good luck!"

Checking his phone one last time, he tinkered with the open applications.

"Oh!" Jin Ah shifted in her seat at the sensation she suddenly felt. But, before she could figure it out, it was gone as quickly as it came. Probably those static current things, she dismissed. Bidding Ji Sung a temporary farewell, he made his way to his meeting and she allowed herself to stare at him for a little while. 

He was truly such a handsome man, she thought.

She could tell that many of the patrons were admiring him as much as she was. He was in a cotton, pale blue polo shirt  and khakis. Quite ordinary, except that he looked like a model. She sighed. He even looked like he was endorsing the mobile phone he was holding just by the way he tapped the screen --

"Oh!" Jin Ah exclaimed a little louder this time. 

There was that sensation again but it was longer.

She licked her lips as she realized where that sensation was coming from. Checking her phone, she opened the related application to control the undergarment, all the while trying not to fidget in her seat.

The vibration was low but quite nice and she resisted the urge to lean into it. 

She found different options  but they were all disabled on her phone. She gripped the arm rest of her chair because the vibrations continued. 

Oh my, she thought. She kept biting her lip to keep herself from moaning.

"You're never quiet," she recalled Ji Sung telling her and prayed that today was a time that she could.

The device is not connected.

She belatedly saw the notification. Not connected? How could it not be -- god, this feels so good.

Willing herself to keep her eyes open, she suddenly realized... If it's not connected to her phone, then it must be on Ji Sung's! She recalled that she sent him an invitation when she downloaded the app but never got around to asking him if he had installed it.

Testing out her theory, with shaking hands, she sent him a message hoping that it would somehow disrupt the connection. "Hi. I miss you."

When she was notified that the message was sent, she looked up to where he sat. She saw him read her message, look up at her and waved. Her heart melted at the sight of his smile.

But she also groaned at suddenly being robbed of the earlier stimulation.

Ji Sung's phone did control it but he didn't seem aware. She would know if he was doing it on purpose, but his smile told her he had nothing but work on his mind.

Checking her watch, they weren't even 15 minutes into the meeting. Oh boy.

Luckily, Ji Sung didn't touch his phone again for awhile. Jin Ah was even able to read her book on advertising breakthroughs. Just as she was so engrossed in the section of the book talking about different strategies applied over the years, "Ha!" she couldn't help but exclaim when she felt a twitch between her thighs.

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