The Chairman

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Jin Ah sat up as soon as she read the message.

There were so many thoughts that ran through her mind. Should she reply? It might not be safe. How did this person even find out her mobile number? Chairman Hwang must have asked someone from Human Resources. Why did he want to talk to her? Was this going to be like the scene in some dramas? What was the best thing to do?

She was still contemplating her options when Ji Sung arrived.

"What's wrong?" he asked upon seeing her, immediately sensing trouble because of the uncommon frown on her face.

Jin Ah debated with herself but eventually decided to tell him the truth. Asking him to sit beside her on the couch, she looked him in the eye and said, "I received a message while you were on your way here. I don't know who it's from but it says that your Father will see me tomorrow."

Different expressions crossed his face. Initially, there was shock and anger, then finally it landed on anxiety and hesitation. "And you will see him?"

"It didn't seem like a request. I am curious to hear what he will say."

Ji Sung leaned back and didn't look at her. "He'll probably offer you money."

"Really?! Those things happen in real life?!" she asked.

He nodded. "Yes. For us, at least. He's paid off people that Ji Won and I have been serious about."

"Wait a minute. You were serious about someone before ME?!"

Ji Sung stared at her with a half smile. "Yes, I told you about her. Remember? The one who left me just before I booked the commercial film and became Min Tae Gu."

"Oh yeah. But I thought she left you because she thought the way your Father did about you and your plans in life?" she clarified.

"Yes, but also because Father told her that if she left me he would provide her some monetary compensation," he said. "I found out later on from Ji Won, who discovered it when Father also paid off a boyfriend of hers that he didn't approve of."

"That seems like a horrible investment decision, don't you think?" Jin Ah said. "It's surprising your Father is still rich when he makes bad decisions like that."

Ji Sung chuckled for the first time since he arrived.

"I hope I'm offered money," she said much to Ji Sung's surprise.

"What? And will you take it?"


Ji Sung sprung up but Jin Ah quickly held his hand.

"I'm not done."

Visibly tense, he allowed her to pull him back down. "What else do I need to hear? You said you wish to take the money if you are offered."

"Hmmm it does sound bad especially given you history. However, do you wish to know why I would decide that way?"

"Why?" he grumbled.

"So that I could add it to the money I invest in the agency you'll be putting up. If I do that, I won't really be taking a bribe, right? And the money stays in your family, you can start building your dreams and I don't have to follow the Chairman's directive to break up with you," she concluded triumphantly.

Ji Sung laughed softly. "I have to admit that's very smart but I worry that it won't be that simple."

"Why? Do you think he'll have people come after me? Then again, I told you already so you'll protect me, right?" she rhetorically asked. "He can't blackmail me that I took the bribe because, again, the money won't be with me."

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