Saying Goodbye

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Before Ji Sung and Jin Ah knew it, they only had a week left until he had to leave for the United States. He deferred packing as much as he could but now it was inevitable.

He didn't know how long he would be gone so he brought over two weeks worth of clothes and suits.

"Do you think they have your favorite shampoo there? Or should we stock up so you could carry a few bottles when you leave?" Jin Ah asked, helping him sort out his personal items.

"I'll bring a new bottle. That should be good for a few weeks."

She nodded but added an extra one anyway.

During grocery shopping, Ji Sung insisted on purchasing in bulk the household items she may have difficulty carrying alone. "Do we have enough laundry detergent and fabric conditioner?"


"Let's get extras anyway so I can store them and you won't have to repurchase for at least six months," he said.

"Isn't that too much?!" Jin Ah protested.

"No," he would insist. After that, he went to the shelves with canned goods and loaded up on items that were staples in the pantry.

"Hey, Ji Sung," she called out. "If you're getting this much because you don't plan to come back to me, how about you buy me a supermarket instead?"

Stunned, his hand that held another can of spam was suspended in the air. Upon seeing the incredulous look on her face, he threw his head back and laughed. "Good idea. I'll keep that in mind. For now, I'll get sufficient supply of canned goods."

"Sufficient?" She repeated. Looking at the almost empty shelf in front of them and their shopping cart that was almost full already in spite of having been at the grocery for less than half an hour, she said, "This is too much!"

The rest of the hour was mostly like that. Ji Sung wiping out the shelves as they checked each aisle for things she may need while he was away; Jin Ah returning half of the things he picked up and reprimanding him for the excess.

No one should be fooled by the argument though. Their exchange was more teasing and loving than tension-filled, and when they arrived back home neither of them wanted to be physically apart from the other. This held true even when Jin Ah needed to report to work that week.

"Good morning, Jin-ssi," Ji Sung whispered to her sleeping form that was snuggled in his arms. "Get up. You have to get ready for work."

Jin Ah groaned and turned to the other side, her back facing him. But, unable to bear being away from his touch and because the weather was cold and great for snuggling, she would search for his arm again, wrap it around her and doze off some more.

He chuckled. Kissing her shoulder,  he reminded her. "Don't you have a busy day today?"

"Yes," she grumbled, unwilling to open her eyes. "Would you mind driving me to work?"

"Not at all," he said.

"Thank you. I have more time to sleep then."

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