Chapter 1: I tripped over my cat.

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I walked down the street, headphones in and the volume on max. As I approached the school gates, I felt the familiar feeling of dread hit me in the gut.

They were there.

Leaning against the railings were the reasons why I struggled to sleep at night. The reasons why I am uncomfortable with my own body, why I hate everything about myself. The reason why I tried to take my own life.

Vince and his cronies.

Four of them. James, David, Alex and Vince. Vince was the worst. They were all a year older than me, and they were dickheads.

"Oi, Lester!" Vince shouted as he saw me approach. I ducked my head, trying to ignore them, but it was too late. I looked up for a split second and instantly regretted it. That grin. The grin that was displayed on his face was filled with pure evil and hatred. I could've sworn I saw hunger in his eyes. That grin haunted me late at night when I couldn't sleep, and also made its way into my dreams when I eventually managed to drift off.

Suddenly I was knocked off my feet and went crashing on to the concrete pavement. I flung my arms out in front of me to break my fall. I had made the mistake of allowing myself to fall face-first in the past and let's just say their was a lot of blood and a broken nose involved.

I quickly curled up with my knees to my chest and clamped my mouth shut so a whimper wouldn't escape - that would only make it worse - as the bullies kicked the living shit out of me, occasionally throwing a punch.

After a few minutes, the bell rang, which sounded the end of my torture. For now. Vince sent one last kick to my stomach before spitting in my face, saying: "You fat faggot, Lester!" and marching off towards the school building, his little gang following at his heels like a group of lost puppies.

I waited for a few minutes before trying to sit up. I winced as a shooting pain stabbed at my left side. Great! I thought to myself. Probably a broken rib. How do I explain that one?

I slowly got to my feet and winced again as everything hurt. I was used to getting beaten up, but it didn't make the pain any less, well, painful. I grabbed my bag from where it had been fling to the side, and made my way to my first lesson: science.

When I arrived at class 15 minutes late, I struggled to make up an excuse to explain why I was late and limping. I panicked and squeaked: "I... uh, tripped over my cat." I could feel Vince's eyes boring into the back of my neck, praying Mr Gilbert would buy the lie. I knew that if I told a teacher the truth, Vince would make sure I didn't emerge from the next beating alive.

I took my seat at the back of the class and turned to the front to try and pay attention to the lesson. I think we were learning about plants.

When the bell rang I was one of the first to exit the classroom, desperate to get away from Vince. I managed to get all the way to my locker before Vince caught up with me. I tried to hide my face behind the locker door but to no avail, as a second later, Vince slammed my locker closed with a loud bang that echoed down the halls.

"So, Lester, you tripped over your cat?" he said, pushing me into the lockers. "How very clumsy of you. I hope the cat is okay." he continued in a fake sweet voice, punching me in the stomach, making me double over in agony.

That's when I saw him.

A boy, younger than me, was standing on the other side of the corridor, watching everything unfold with a shocked and disgusted expression on his face. He flinched when Vince sent a punch to my face, connecting with my jaw and causing me to slam my head into the lockers behind me. His jaw dropped as the others started kicking and punching me, clutching a red notebook to his chest.

My knees were shaking, threatening to cave in and send me collapsing on the floor, but before they could, Vince had his hand to my throat, lifting me off my feet and pinning me to the lockers. He moved his face so that it was only a couple of inches from mine and spoke in a harsh whisper, sending small balls of spit at my face.
"Listen here, Lester. You better start coming up with better excuses, because we don't want anyone to know about this, do we?" he said, "DO WE?!" he shouted when I didn't respond. I shook my head quickly, struggling to breathe due to the grip he had on my throat. At that moment, a lone tear escaped my eyes and raced down my cheek, leaving a wet track behind before dripping onto the carpet at my feet.

"Aww, look. The widdle faggot is crying. Poor widdle baba. Do you want your mama to come kiss it better?" he said in a baby voice. "Pathetic!" he added, returning to his normal voice before knocking me to the ground and spitting in my face. The others did the same, leaving one last kick to the ribs and spitting before sauntering off, laughing like hyenas.

I lay there, still for what felt like an eternity, but could've only been a minute or two. I mean, what's the point in getting up if you're only going to be knocked down again?

When I eventually attempted to sit up, I was surprised to see the younger boy with the notebook standing over me. His face was filled with concern and pity as he offered a hand. I gladly took it as he helped me to my feet.

"Thanks." I said, "I'm Phil, by the way."

The boy then proceeded to open his notebook to a clean page and scribbled something down. He turned the notebook around for me to read, and it said:

"No problem. And I'm Daniel."


Okay, so this is my first phanfiction ever. I'm kind of proud of this first chapter and I'm really looking forward to writing this story.

Please leave me your honest opinions of what you think, and yeah.

Stay sexy, my llamas.


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