Chapter 2

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               Earlier this year, I went to a party celebrating how the Westerburg bulldogs were gonna plummet the Razorbacks from Washington High. (Spoiler! We did.) Martha Dumptruck had the guts to go and "confess her love" to Ram along with her little sesame-street-loving friends. Heather and I went to decorate the pig piñata to look like her, while Heather went to execute her urge to purge. We pulled it off, and got Martha to leave ashamed. 

             Everyone else continued on with the party after the muppet huggers left. The three were driving home when they got into a wreck. Betty mermaid Finn and Veronica the wannabe lawyer made it out unharmed, and Martha got into a coma. Turns out they had to amputate her right leg and she lost a bit of weight by eating only liquid food. This made people feel bad for her. Not me though, I only felt a need to raise my status before the prom queen crown was gone. That's all the information I'll give. 

            As I turn on the TV and watch shapes move around on the blue screen my mind starts to drift off. About the events of the past month. How we could have been friends with Martha and her tree huggers if Heather and Heather weren't so... exclusive I guess? Maybe in another life. 

" We now follow the police officers who have a lot of work on their hands to find our missing killer,"

"Heather" "Heather, wake up" 

"Yeah, uhhh we found some prints and we know who it is." 

"Heather, wake the f*ck up" 

Ugh my head...  Where am I? Oh right. The motel.

"Jesse James?" I remark sarcastically. 

"We hafta go," He points to the TV 

"Shit." They're investigating the auditorium. 

A fat cop in a black and blue uniform says this, " When our officers had found the culprit, we had our guns at 'er, but the lights cut out and she was gone. Looking at the street light footage, we found that she left with someone. A boy around 15-" 

"I'm 18," He snarks. "Get your shit, we're leaving." 

"How long was I out,"

"'Bout seven hours." 

"Good," I rip the blanket off the bed and get up for coffee and to wash my face. 

I stumble to the bathroom half asleep, take a probably expired soap bar and wash my oily face. 

Leaving the bathroom feeling fresh, I get to the little coffee maker left by room service. Taking the packet with brown powder, I look around the room, taking in every detail. The carpet, the ancient TV, and even the mold on the ceiling. This is our first location of probably a lot. By the time I'm done day dreaming, my coffee is done. I rip a sugar packet, put in the sugar and sir it in. Finally, it's ready. A nice warm coffee to start a hopefully, better day. Time to take a good sip.~

aaaaannnddd then quickly spit it out. 

Jason laughs at my new found discovery of Martin Star store brand coffee. 

"Welcome to the world of runaways! Next stop, Finneytown, Ohio."

All of his things are in a Woolworth grocery store bag. 

I didn't bring anything. Just myself. 

Wiping my mouth with a paper towel, I noted, "Bold of you to assume I took shit with me."

"Oh uhh, right. You ready?"

"As I'll ever be," 

And with that, we were off. 

The Ballad of Heather Chandler (HEATHERS THE MUSICAL)Where stories live. Discover now