Chapter 6

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"You're just stalling, aren't you?" He asks, not knowing if he's joking or not. "Why are you trying to cover this up," The brown haired kid asks "You killed out in the open, now you're hiding what people know."

The esteemed Heather Chandler stops to bite her nail, biding Jason's question.

"Why did you even do it," He speeds the car up, now in the suburbs making a "U" turn on Allens Lake Ct.

Heather doesn't know how to answer either of these questions. Certainly not "why"

"Why in this entire world would I tell you," Heather flips down the passenger mirror to check on her flawless features.

"Maybe retaliation? Anger-" He would know a lot about that... "- revenge? rage?"

"Shit"   She give a breathy sigh while leaning back into the car seat. She would rather make out him than tell him why. Not that Heather actually would.

" All of those people have hurt me, I suppose I wanted my status back. Going beyond just "hurting" them felt refreshing. But it was a lot to carry on my shoulders."

JD couldn't help it. He fantasized about killing people, wondering how far he'd be able to take it. But all he's gotten to so far are stray cats and raccoons. Never a human being. Here's a girl that's done the deed but can't handle the relief. It wasn't his fault he felt this way.He's 18, turned on, and has a lust for blood. So what does he do? He laughs in her face.

"What the fuck," Heather thought and she stared blankly at her brown haired driver.

Not knowing what to do, she laughs along. It goes on for a while. Both kids turn to each other, smiling.
The car raised. They arrived at a two floor suburban house.
"Finally," Heather exclaimed.
JD took his seatbelt off, opened the door, and made his way to the trunk.... of the car. The fuck were you thinking of? Sickos.
The protagonist strawberry blonde stretched her arms, and looked down at her white and pink faded prom dress, now sporting a dried maroon "paint job" she had forgotten about the fact this it was HER murder spree. But Heather didn't want to trail on that any longer, she had to move on. She too unbuckled her seatbelt, grabbed her dress by the bottom, opened the door, and got out.
JD closed the trunk with only three grocery store bags being carried. "Yes," he asked, knowing she'd make fun of him for having his shoelaces untied.

"Thanks for helping me."

"No problem," He smile-smirked. "By the way, call me JD. 'Jason Dean' is a dead name."

Heather took a mental note of that, and followed JD to the front door of the house.

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