Chapter Twenty-Seven: Blue Eyed Machine

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Chapter Twenty-Seven: Blue Eyed Machine

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Blue Eyed Machine

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NOV 18TH, 2038
AM 9:35:10

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"You've got to be phucking kidding me!" All movements halts and all attention travels towards the glass office where Captain Fowler resides. The glass walls are usually pretty sound proof but not with the way a certain Detective is yelling. On the inside, it is seen that Fowler is sat at his desk while Gavin Reed is standing in front of the desk, flailing his arms around.

"What the fuck is Reed crying about today?" Hank grumbles, just now making it to the station, setting his things on top of his desk. "He's getting a new partner today." Devon explains, leaning across the back of Connor's desk, her arms crossed over her chest. "An android partner to be exact." Connor explains further from his spot beside Devon.

"Ah, that'll explain it." Hank sighs heavily, reaching for a mug of coffee that was made for him and left on his desk. "Is it that one android that you found, Connor?" The brown eyed android nods his head, glancing at the older man. "Yes, Nines." Devon sighs, shifting in her spot. "We need to get him a better name. Who wants to be called a number?" To Devon it seemed crazy. It would be like calling Connor Eight. Just strange.

"He's not your pet, Dev." Hank's comments, taking a seat in his chair, leaning back comfortably. The blonde rolls her eyes at him. "I know that. That's the point. I just think it'll be nice for him to have a real name. He's not just some object or someone's pet." Connor looks to the woman with a fond smile. There she goes again, caring about the androids that no one even bats an eye for. It's admirable.

"He's not handling it very well, huh?" Chris Miller walks over to the partners, arms crossed over his uniformed chest and dark brown eyes looking towards the Captains office. "No, not at all." Connor shakes his head, his eyes also watching the incident. "This is Gavin we're talking about," Tina Chen stops beside Chris. "Of course he's not gonna take it well." If anyone knew Gavin it would be Tina. The two bond a lot and use to hangout outside of work all the time.

The door the Captain Fowler's office slams open and Gavin makes a b-line to his desk. The man is so mad Devon could practically see steam coming from his ears. Not a moment after Gavin exploded out of the office, a tall figure emerges from the office door. The android smooths down his white and black jacket before following after the detective that was assigned as his partner.

"I don't think I've seen Reed this angry in a long time." Chris comments, watching the grumpy detective pout in his seat at his desk. "He'll get over it." Hank waves him off, rolling his eyes at the situation. "He's being a big ass baby about it." That is kinda Gavin Reed's style. He tends to be very dramatic and over does everything for no reason. It could be very entertaining at times when it could also be quite annoying.

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