𝐎𝐍𝐄, hello darkness my old friend

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act one, chapter one
❛hello darkness my old friend, i've come to talk with you again❜


𝙋enelope Carrow didn't like her boyfriend's friends. They were rough, idiots and they were giving her gray hair. See, Penelope is a Prefect for Ravenclaw and she really wants to be Head Girl next year, but at the rate James, Sirius and Peter are going, but mostly James and Sirius, she didn't want to become Head Girl anymore. She didn't want to deal with their idiotic messes anymore, and she was sure Remus felt the same. They currently sat in The Three Broomsticks, sipping warm coffee and eating warm stew. Penelope had her eyes slightly narrowed as she watched James and Sirius bicker about her former best friend, Lily Evans. Sirius was telling James that Lily would never ever look at him the way he looks at her. Penelope would agree, but she once overheard Lily telling Marlene that one of the two was good looking. She never said the name, but Penelope was sure she meant James.

"Penny, you look like you're about to murder someone." Peter Pettigrew spoke up timidly, stirring his coffee clockwise as he slowly added sugar. Penelope rolled her eyes.

"And I wonder who I would murder." Penelope said, eyes traveling towards James and Sirius.

"Oh come on Penny, don't act as though you weren't as mischievously clever as us once." James said, scooping an enormous amount of stew into his mouth, only to spit it out again. "Hot! Hot!" He bellowed, fanning his mouth and Penelope smirked. Remus elbowed her and she broke her concentration.

"Correction Potter, I was mischievous, I still am clever."

"And all that disappeared when you got that puke worthy blue badge." Sirius said, an actual shudder running down his spine as he thought of the badge.

"Remus is a Prefect too." Peter pointed out and Sirius face palmed himself.

"That's beside the point Wormtail!" Sirius cried out. "Penny actually pranked people with us, although she always ratted us out in the end anyway."

"I can't lie when I'm nervous okay?!" Penelope groaned, shaking her head. "Besides, we all know my pranking days weren't going to last very long—"

"Yeah, your mum found out about it from—"

"My stupid sister and Narcissa, so yeah, fun." The Prefect huffed out, shaking her head. "We ruled the school together and she repays me by snitching to the one person who hates me."

"Your mother doesn't hate you Penny." James shook his head. "She—"

"Just prefers Maisie over me because she's the child of light. Yeah, remind me again because I didn't get the memo the first thousand times." Penelope grumbled, and her eyes traveled to the door just in time to see it swing open and reveal the one person missing from the table. Sirius immediately turned sour, Peter heavily blushed, James' eyes turned into daggers, Penelope sprung up and Remus remained emotionless. "El!"

Elora Snape gave her best friend a huge smile, accepting the bone crushing hug Penelope offered and sat down next to Peter. "Hello guys." She politely greeted them. "Black."

𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋𝐒 | R. LUPIN	✓Where stories live. Discover now