𝐓𝐄𝐍, just have some hope

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act one, chapter ten
❛and i miss your face like hell❜


              𝙍emus was nowhere to be seen. And Penelope was slowly but surely loosing her mind looking everywhere for him. She knew all his favorite places, she knew the secret passage ways, she knew Remus Lupin like she knew herself, but she couldn't find him. She tried to get James, Sirius or Peter to tell her where Remus was but with no luck. James would've told her, if he knew where he was. Sirius wasn't going to tell her even when Penelope tried to bribe him. Peter couldn't tell her, as he said he can't betray his friend. So that's how Penelope found herself in the Hufflepuff Basement. She and Elora had somewhat made up last year—seeing as that it was February now—and Elora had genuinely been happy when Penelope told her that she and James were some type of thing. Penelope however was worried about Remus. She missed his face, she missed tracing her fingers across his scars, she missed the feeling of her skin against hers, she missed his hands on her—to keep everything short, Penelope missed Remus Lupin with her entire life.

"I'm running away El." Penelope whispered to Elora, sniffing the odd color of ink Elora had bought in Hogdsmeade during the time span they didn't speak. Penelope couldn't really believe that she had punched Elora, Severus, a wall and hasn't had much contact with Narcissa at all.


"I'm running away. Me and you, you and me, we're defying the laws of magic and physics and yet we're still alive. Learn to have faith in yourself El. We can do anything. We can run away." Penelope breathed out.

Elora knew her friend didn't mean it, but she only let a smile wash over her face. "I know Penny, but James and them need you. Remus the most."

"Then I'll just run off with them." Penelope stated matter of factly and Elora chuckled.

"Go on, I'm sure Sirius needs you to go help him with some idiotic prank he's planning for tomorrow—"

"Oh no! It's Valentines Day!" Penelope cried out miserably before letting out a loud wail. "I hate Valentines Day."

"Don't we all Pen, don't we all." Elora darkly replied but Penelope was far too absorbed in her own thoughts to notice the sudden darkness in Elora's voice.


          𝙋enelope hated Valentines Day. She always have, and she won't stop hating it now that James gave her a mountain of chocolates, or that Peter gave her ten singing cards, or that Sirius covered her in milk chocolate when she stepped through the Great Hall's door. No, she won't stop hating it all, in fact, Sirius' prank made her hate it more. The full moon this month was on Valentines Day, James had worrriedly told her that when he had glanced at his watch. James told her that he hasn't seen Remus at all, that Peter and Sirius where only lying because they too didn't know where Remus was. That's how Penelope found herself in the four Marauders dorm room, searching high and low for the familiar piece of parchment, hoping that she won't wake the sleeping James, or disturb the bathing Sirius or Peter, who was now dosing off.

"Where'd those idiots put it?" Penelope grumbled, going down on her knees to look under the beds, not being successful. "Think Penny."

Unfortunately, Sirius barged through the door, dripping wet and butt naked. Penelope shot up right, eyes automatically flickering towards the part where her eyes shouldn't be and she burned a red before she quickly turned around, feeling embarrassed. Sirius had yelped, quickly covering himself and Penelope just wanted to die there and then.

"Penny?" James asked, a yawn escaping his mouth and Penelope mentality cheered. "What are you doing here?"

"Hey James...." She chuckled, wringing her fingers and ran her fingers through her dark curls. "Nice evening isn't it?"

"Penny." James pressed on, slipping his glasses on and raised a brow at Penelope, who sighed. I can't lie when I'm nervous, she remembered telling Remus the first day they met. She had been nervous that day and had told him nothing but the truth.

"I wanted to tell you that and then Sirius came out naked and I was mortified! But then again the real reason I'm here is to tell you that my mum refused to call off the wedding so I decided that I'm running away, don't know where to but I just have to get out of that house. But then again the real actual reason I was here was to search for the map because I need to find Remus. I'm utterly worried about him James, I last saw him last year after the attack and I just want to make sure he's alright." Penelope let out a sigh. "And slightly because I wanted to see if my name was on the map, I mean, it doesn't have to since I'm not one of you and the only thing that tied me to you was Remus and he's now just missing—"

"Merlin! When you said you tell the truth when you're nervous Penny, I didn't realize you meant the entire truth." Sirius groaned from his bedside and Penelope rolled her eyes at him, even though he couldn't see it.

"Shut up Black." She grumbled at him and she heard Sirius laugh. James' lips disappeared in a line but he patted his bed, before he reached into his trunk, pulling out the familiar pieces of parchment and Penelope's eyes twinkled as she looked at it. She helped them create this map, she helped them with the designs except the footsteps. Sirius had come up with that one, it's safe to say that Penelope nearly had a heart attack that day.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." James whispered, pointing his wand towards the map and words spilled unto it.

Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, Claws and Prongs
are proud to present

"I am on it?" Penelope asked, disbelief shining in her eyes and James smiled softly at her, pushing the hair away from her eyes. "I can't believe it...."

"You have to Penny. You're on it." James whispered. "But Penny, don't get your hopes up high. Pads, Wormy and I have been looking at the map every day and every night and still nothing. It's like he disappeared from the face of earth."

Penelope nodded before she returned to the map. She could see herself with James, Peter and Sirius. Frank Longbottom was in the other dorm. Lily, Mary, Marlene and Alice Fortescue were all in the common room, sitting on the couch. Penelope then moved to the Slytherin Dungeons, where she found Severus and Elora, along with Regulus Black. After what seemed like hours, Penelope finally stopped, tears in her eyes because James had been right. Remus had fell off the face of the earth.

"I'm really sorry Penny." James whispered. "We'll find him, just have some hope."

"Hope never got us anywhere James, and you know this better than anyone else."

friends stick together, no matter what

𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋𝐒 | R. LUPIN	✓Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu