𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄, to be like a carrow

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act one, chapter five
❛the blood on our hands is the wine, we offer as sacrifice❜


𝙏he Hospital Wing was a place Penelope hated to be in. To her, she didn't get that usual smell of antiseptic or alcoholic shit and stuff, no. To her, it smelled like death. Every month she walks in, already dreading the worst. Today however, Remus hasn't awoken from his slumber and Penelope found herself sitting next to James, who was wide awake and his body was littered with scars. Sirius and Peter were still asleep, the latter occasionally whimpering in his sleep. Undoubtedly a nightmare about being chased by an eagle or Remus. A small smile found itself on Penelope's face when James softly nudged her hand with his, a soft grin thrown her way. (Maybe she won't admit it but she enjoyed their company, a lot. Especially James. He was an idiot but a smart one and how Lily didn't like him baffled Penelope, baffled, but she was slightly happy as well. And if she lost one of them, she'll feel like she's lost a part of her soul.)

"We really could've used some help yesterday you know Penny." James said, voice raspy and Penelope gave him some water.

"I know Potter, but I have to respect Remus' wishes." Penelope told him, worry etched upon her face as she looked at the sleeping body of her most loved one. She could immediately make out two new scars and what suspiciously looked like a bite. Guilt took over her body. She should have been there, she should have gone against Remus' wishes just this once.

James looked over to his sleeping friend and then to the girl beside him. "He won't admit it Penny, but he needs you. I reckon you're the only one who can keep him sane."

"I know, I won't let him down James." Penelope smiled, standing up to head to her first class, which just had to be Ancient Runes. She placed a small kiss on the boy's forehead, something she did out of pure habit.

"You called me James—and you kissed my head." James grinned at Penelope, who immediately wished she could take it all back.

Penelope winked at James, a slight blush dotting her cheeks. "Don't let it get to your head Potter, according to Lily, it doesn't need to get any larger."

James blushed a red at the mention of his precious Lily Flower. "Are you talking to her again?"

"Yes. I—needed—um—some help." Penelope admitted. The Carrow family was strong, they were fierce, they were loyal, never weak. But Penelope knew she was different from them, she didn't feel any of those things except weakness and being loyal to her friends.

James' expression morphed into one that resembled concern. "What's wrong Pen? Can I help you as well?"

Penelope shook her head, smile slightly forced now as her eyes suddenly glossed over. A Carrow never cries...emotions are for the weak. "Not this time Potter," Penelope whispered, an air of weakness and fear laced in her voice. "Not this time." And she turned on her heel, a silent promise to come visit later as she headed out the Hospital Wing, the smell of death lingering on her robes and the look on James' face haunting her mind.


            𝙏he rest of the day flew by fast for Penelope. After Ancient Runes, she had Potions and had been paired with a sour faced Severus. Penelope had bitten her lip when she noticed the purplish yellow bruise on his jawline and she was tempted to apologize, seeing as that Elora had been lying. But a Carrow never apologizes, no matter what. After Potions, she had rushed off to Transfiguration with Lily, Marlene and Mary, the four of them sitting upfront and listening to every word Professor McGonagall said. Charms had been next, where Penelope had glared at the Professor, who felt uncomfortable. After all her classes had ended, Penelope found herself rushing towards the Hospital Wing, praying that Remus was awake. What she found however, sent her into a sour mood. Penelope opted to sit next to James again, ignoring the sleeping Peter and Sirius, who was assuring Frank Longbottom that their Potions assignment will be done by midnight.

"He's alright you know? He woke a few hours after you left, kept complaining about pain in his chest. Madam Pomfrey gave him something strong for the pain." James explained to Penelope, who sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose.

"I'm worried about him Potter." Penelope whispered, sighing once more as she made eye contact with James, who was busy fixing his glasses.

"I know Penny, but he's fine, a few scratches but he's fine." James Potter smiled at her, flashing her his signature Potter smile and the dimples that came with it.

"James?" Penelope suddenly whispered.

"Yes?" He asked, a little worried. Penelope never called him by his name, it had always been Potter to her.

"I have something to tell you." She confessed, sighing a little and she sniffed. "I've been getting help from Lily because my mum's making me marry Rosier." She gulped, suddenly glad Remus was asleep and that he didn't have to hear all this. "And because I'm in love."

"You're in love with Moony Pen, I already know that." James shrugged. "As for the marr—"

"No you ignorant toe-rag, with someone else." Penelope sighed. "It's hard to explain, really but I love Remus a lot and what I have for him, the other guy I mean, is just a crush but I can't help it. My heart skips a few beats whenever I hear his intoxicating laughter. Do you think I'm a terrible person James?"

"No." James confirmed. "I won't force you to stay with Rem but he needs you Penny, a lot."

"I know James, I know." Penelope smiled sadly. "But the guy I might like, he's a lot like you, you know? Handsome, smart, funny, athletic and caring."

"Did you just call me handsome?" James asked, hand clutched to his chest as he let out a dramatic gasp.

"Don't let it get to your head Potter, remember what Lily said." Penelope blushed upon realizing her mistake and she rolled her eyes at a grinning James. She smiled at him again, this time gingerly touching his arm as she stood up. "See you later Potter, I'll bring you guys some food. Looks like Pettigrew needs some before he dies from starvation."

"Tell Lily I said hi!"

"Will do!" Penelope grinned at him then slipped out the Hospital Wing. "Never." She muttered to herself, shaking her head. She instinctively turned left, the way to Hufflepuff Basement and she stopped in her tracks when she noticed it. A Carrow never apologizes. If Elora wanted to continue their friendship, she'd come to Penelope and tell her sorry. Penelope was a Carrow, she wasn't going to lick anyone's soggy behind. She'd rather die.

Lunch had been boring without Elora's usual chirpy voice but the Hufflepuff girl sported the same purplish yellow bruise on her jaw like her brother and Penelope had only sent her a bright smile when their eyes met for a brief second.

"Have you told Remus and Potter?" Lily slid in beside her at the Ravenclaw table, a few sending her bright smiles.

Penelope shook her head. "No, I want to do it when I feel like the time is right, and that isn't now Lily."

"I'm just saying, that guy you like, is an insufferable git."

"That he unfortunately is."

friends stick together, no matter what

𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋𝐒 | R. LUPIN	✓Where stories live. Discover now