𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍, the scent of love

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act one, chapter seven
❛one of us is gonna lose, i'm the powder, you're the fuse
just add some friction, you are my strange addiction❜


           𝘼mortentia was supposed to smell like something different to each person, according to what they like. Penelope liked a lot of things—Remus' cologne, the smell of chocolate, coffee, the mint bars Peter gives her, James' pineapple shampoo, the scent of old books, polish, nail polish—but what she hadn't expected to smell that day in class as they stepped up to sniff the potion and tell the Professor what they can smell, was the smell of James' aftershave. James had gone before her, telling the Professor that he could smell the smell of old books, roses, pineapples (Slughorn had let out a huge, inhuman squeal at that and Penelope made a note to not get nightmares about that) and he couldn't say the last one, and Penelope already knew it was about Lily, for James had glanced at her. Penelope sniffed the potion, the smell of James' aftershave, Remus' cologne, old books, chocolate and nail polish filing her nostrils.

"I can smell Remus' cologne," Penelope began and blushed when Sirius let out a wolf whistle. "Chocolate, old books and—um—I can't say the last one, too personal." She mumbled, already walking away from the potion and she stood next to James, who had stiffened up but gave her a huge grin, patting her on the back and Penelope rolled her eyes at him. But she couldn't stop the smile from forming on her face.

When classes ended for the day, the five teenagers headed down to the kitchens, not bothering to change from their robes or go to the Great Hall to eat. Penelope was engaged in a playful argument with both Peter and James about why it was unfair how she had to suffer Ancient Runes alone.

"I don't see how it's unfair Penny." Peter spoke up, chocolate cake on his plate. "You're smart enough for the four, three actually, no, actually two because James and Remus are smart."

"Wormy! Are you saying I'm dumb?!" Sirius cried out, pointing his knife towards Peter. Remus quickly disarmed him, glaring at him but Sirius was too busy glaring at Peter to notice this.

"Yes... no?—"

"Don't spare him his non existent feelings Pete." Penelope happily said, munching on a chocolate tart she asked the house elves to specially make for her. "Yes Sirius Black, you're so dumb that you make my cat look clever."

"I am hurt!—"

"Anyway! Penny, you're smart. You get Outstandings in every subject—"

"Not History." Remus whispered and Penelope nudged him in the ribs.

"And besides, I'm pretty sure that if I took Ancient Runes, I wouldn't need to learn because I know the Professor would just give me an O for my superhuman good looks." James grinned.

"Don't flatter yourself Potter, your head's still big, don't inflate it any more. Evans will just dislike you even more." Penelope told him, her own grin forming on her face. The cream pie that hit her in the face, was just the beginning of the food fight that broke out in the kitchens.


             𝙀lora won't say it outloud but she was bloody grateful that Penelope punched her because a, maybe it connected some loose ends in her head, b, she and Severus are on talking terms and c, she wouldn't have seen James and Penelope kiss. Now that had been a great day for her. After she had seen them, she went straight to the Hufflepuff Basement, where she had begun loudly singing a muggle song Lily had taught her when they were ten, dancing with a very confused Professor Sprout and even had kissed her on the cheek. It's safe to say that Elora was happy about that.

Elora felt like she had the upper hand now, and that's exactly why she marched towards Gryffindor table the day before Christmas, a skip in her step and she forcefully sat in between James and Penelope, a huge grin plastered across her face.

"Good morning boys! And girl of course! Lovely, lovely day, ain't it Penny?" Elora grinned again, while Penelope glared at her, hand gripping a knife too hard.

"It's fucking lovely indeed." She growled at her but Elora wasn't in the slightest fazed. It didn't even bring her good mood down.

"I know! I already have your present, but you have to wait for tomorrow." Elora hummed. She could see that she wasn't welcomed at the table but she couldn't care any less. She was in charge after all these years of being in the shadow of Penelope Carrow and Narcissa Black. She was finally shining on her own, and Elora loved every single second of it. Penelope rolled her eyes, picking up the new copy of the Daily Prophet and let her eyes roam across it. However, Elora snatched it out her hands before she could read any further.

Elora's mood instantly dropped when she read the headline and she swallowed hard. MUGGLE FAMILY KILLED AGAIN! Elora was taught by her mother, who was a Pureblood, that muggles didn't matter, that they were dirt, that they were only ruining their perfect world, so she didn't understand why she felt the way she was feeling this way. Muggles don't matter. At the Hufflepuff table, Loretta Simmons fainted once more and Elora's face blanched, and she was suddenly feeling sick. She felt like fainting as well, so she gripped the table with all her force when the world began slightly spinning around her.

This isn't how she imagined this day going. She imagined teasing Penelope the whole day about the very passionate kiss she shared with James Potter, then apologizing for it later tonight. She didn't imagine that she'd be feeling this sick over an article. James beside her gasped, as well as Remus. For a moment, Elora thought they might be worried about her, after all, she was shining today, they had to notice her today. But no, all they noticed was the crimson blood running down Penelope's hand and they rushed her off to the Hospital Wing, Sirius following them.

"El? Are you okay?" Peter asked and Elora stared at him. Sure, she was okay. Today was her day, her day to shine, the day everyone would notice her but of course someone or something will just steal her glory away. This is one of the reasons why Elora hated being in Hufflepuff. Everybody looked down at her, they just stole her glory everytime.

"Never been better Pettigrew." Elora faked a smile before she stood up, pushing the Daily Prophet away and she walked over to her brother, who welcomed her with open arms and Elora cried into his arms, feeling lighter with each sob escaping her mouth.

Her father once told her that crying was the best medicine. He said that crying made everything better, that was before he left when their Hogwarts acceptance letters landed in his arms. Elora had never seen her father that angry. She had cried her lungs out that day, hoping that her tears would make everything better but it only made it worse. Her mother had changed her name back to Eileen Prince, she instilled pureblood ways unto them, she told them about the Dark Lord that was so amazing that he could save them all, halfbloods included. Elora was a fool to believe her mother, she knew that, but somewhere, somehow, Elora knew she was right.

She knew Voldemort was going to stop at nothing to be successful, even if it meant starting a war. And Elora was torn between which side to choose, darkness or the lighter side. At this point, she made a decision to follow Penelope. She was a Ravenclaw and Ravenclaws are smart. She'd make at the good decisions for them, even if it feels wrong at first.

friends stick together, no matter what

𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋𝐒 | R. LUPIN	✓Where stories live. Discover now