𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍, the disappearance of regulus black

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act two, chapter fourteen
❛let me die, let me drown, lay my bones in the ground, i will still come around when the time for sleep❜


𝙇ily and James were having some type of thing in their relationship. Perhaps it was because James found Lily writing a letter to Amos Diggory, the boy who had been in Hufflepuff and had been her first love interest. Penelope had told him to just let it go, seeing as that it was just a stupid letter but James was an idiot, once an idiot, always an idiot. He was a hard headed idiot at that. That's how she found herself in the familiar dorm room that belongs to the Marauders, listening to James rant about how Lily shouldn't be keeping in touch with pricks like Amos, repeating himself like a mantra about how Amos Diggory was just going to use her. Penelope wanted to tell him to shut up, to tell him that Lily would never do anything with Amos because he was just a fucking idiot (much like James) just so he could shut the fuck up.

".... And I keep telling her that—Penny! I can't see!" James cried out, trying to grab his glasses back but unsuccessfully so. "Give my glasses back this instant Penelope Della Carrow!"

"No, you're annoying me to death with that! Look, Rem and them are down in the library studying for the History test we both know we need to study for so please, can we just fucking go?"

"Fine, give my glasses back then we can go." James told the girl, grabbing what he believed was his glasses but was actually only her face.

"That's my face you bloody ignorant toe-rag." Penelope shook her head then slipped his glasses on. James blinked, then blushed when he noticed how close her face suddenly was. Penelope Carrow knew she and James would never ever be a thing and she was absolutely fine with that, but it didn't mean that she didn't want him still. She missed him, a lot.

James leaned forward, lips meeting hers and Penelope savored the smell of his aftershave as James pulled her closer, wanting to get every single part of her.

"We shouldn't be doing this James." Penelope whispered, pulling back. "You've got Lily and I've got Rem."

"I know Penny, but why do I still want every part of you?" James asked, hands carefully touching her cheeks and Penelope squeezed her eyes shut.

"Then, just this once James, for the absolute last time, have me, have every part of me."


enelope was stressing. Not only because of the stupid N. E. W. T. S, no she was stressing because Regulus Black disappeared just like Remus had done. Although this time, she knew who took him and why. Regulus had been extremely close with the Dark Lord, the youngest Death Eater and in his eyes, the not trust worthy Death Eater. But Regulus had come crying to Penelope when he told her that Voldemort was using house elves for some messed up shit. Penelope didn't want to know why he cared but he told her anyway. His houser elf was among the house elves and he had told her that he knew something about Voldemort. That was three weeks ago.

Now Penelope sat in the exam room, raking her fingers through her hair multiple times, trying to remember the reason why goblins started a war in what year. Now Penelope sucked at History. Like she told James three weeks ago that she needed to revise for the test because she needed it, she fucking meant it. The Ancient Runes, which she wrote yesterday, was actually really easy and she had liked writing it but the History was absolutely butchering her.

Penelope moved onto the next question, which was something about the cold war. Now this one was pretty easy for Penelope, as she had living relatives who had survived the cold war, she hated History but hearing it from someone's mouth was pretty interesting for her.

Once the test was finished, it marked the end of Penelope's seven long years at Hogwarts and she had actually kissed Remus right there in the class, with Professor Slughorn right there. The man had let out a chuckle and left them at that. After the kiss, came the chasing Sirius all around Hogwarts part and when they finally stopped in the kitchens, they ate chocolate and talked about the disappearance of Regulus Black.

Sirius believed it was odd, Penelope didn't. She knew exactly why he was taken and she knew there was no hope for Regulus, but she'd never tell that to Sirius, he was stressed as is already. (Unless he asked, then she couldn't lie to him.) True, the Black siblings hardly spoke on Hogwarts grounds but Penelope had seen them converse at Hogsmeade when they thought no one was watching.

"Do you think he'll be back?" Sirius asked, nibbling on the end of his chocolate bar. Penelope didn't want to tell him te ugly truth, but she didn't want to lie as well. That's how she became nervous and her nerves sky rocketed just because she was nervous.

"I can't lie when I'm nervous Si—"

"Which I suppose will be good now."

"So I'll tell you what I truly think. I think Regulus Black is an amazing kid, really. He's smart, he's got the looks, he's got an amazing girlfriend like Elora by his side for all the tough times. I know they took him when he was alone, because they're cowards but they're stronger Si, they're much more experienced." She sighed, wrapping her hand around his, which was warm thanks to her hot chocolate. "I'm not going to be one of those friends who lie to spare your feelings, so no, I don't think Regulus will come back. I know they're going to kill him. I know it isn't what you want to hear Si and I'm sorry."

Sirius shook his head, tears visible in his eyes. "No Penny, it's exactly what I wanted to hear. The truth and you gave that to me." He sighed. "We used to play in the kitchens back home, even though we weren't allowed to. We used to mess with the house elves a lot, perhaps that's why Kreacher hates me so much. He's always so mean and grumpy."

Penelope poked him in the side. "Sounds like someone I know."

Sirius rolled his eyes at her. "Moony loves you a lot Penny, and I can see that you love him just as much. You guys need each other, and I just want to say that I am the Godfather of your child."

Penelope laughed. "Sorry Si, that's James' part already. You can name her or him though, just no funny and weird names please."

"If it's a boy, Regulus. Regulus Peter Lupin." Sirius nodded, a smile across his face. "And if it's a girl, Heather Euphemia Lupin or Carrow, seeing as that I don't know which last name you're going to prefer."

"Beautiful names Si, and if I get another one and it's a boy, his name will be Sirius. I don't know about the second name though—"



"Sirius Severus, or the other way around. You've said it yourself, Snape has been through things. And you know those things, we don't." Sirius told her and Penelope's mouth disappeared in a line.

"I might know the horrors he's faced Si, but I'm not going to name my child after him." She shook her head. "I don't want my child to end up like him."

"The name isn't cursed Penny." Sirius argued but Penelope wasn't having any of it.

"It is to me. Hence why I'll never name my children after my parents or sister. Naming them after you guys will be like being with you every second of the day and I don't want that feeling with my parents or Maisie."

A smile washed over Sirius' features. "Sirius Lyall Lupin."

"Perfect." Penelope smiled, the disappearance of Regulus Black pushed to the depths of her mind.

friends stick together, no matter what

𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋𝐒 | R. LUPIN	✓Where stories live. Discover now