𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐄, just some time apart from each other

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act one, chapter nine
❛i've been told to get you off my mind
but i hope i never lose the bruises that you left behind,
oh my lord, oh my lord, i need you by my side❜


𝙅ames woke up to the sound of someone crying and sniffing and with the headache he had, it sounded like the person was just next to him. He eventually identified the person as Remus, and he figured he was next to Penelope. His suspicions were proved correct when James heard Penelope's soft voice.

"I'm so sorry Penny." Remus had cried out and James imagined him as having red eyes and more scars littered across his face. He then imagined Penelope smiling despite the pain she was in. He knew that Penelope was a a person who hid her worries and pain behind smiles.

"Hey, it's not your fault, it's Sev's. If anyone should be apologizing, it should be him Rem, not you."

"He isn't the one who attacked you or James. You might become monsters like me!" Remus cried out and James bit back the cry he wanted to let out. Remus Lupin wasn't a monster, he knew that. Remus was the kindest soul to ever live, it didn't matter that he was a werewolf.

"Remus John Lupin, call yourself a monster once again and I swear to Rowena's saggy breasts that I will slap you like I did with Sev." Penelope had hissed at him and a smile formed on James' face. Penelope knew how to make things better, no matter the circumstances. "You're not a monster, and no, you didn't bite us so Madam Pomfrey believes we're in the clear."

"It doesn't matter Penny." James could hear every single emotion in Remus' voice and he suddenly knew what was happening next. Remus was blaming himself for what happened, he's going to think that he's a threat to them, Remus won't be able to live with himself knowing that he attacked Penelope and James. "I think it's best if we take a little time away from each other Penny."

"What? No Rem! We can sort this out, please Rem, look it's not even that deep of a w—"

"Penelope, you deserve someone who can make you feel safe, not like you're being hunted like an animal." A chair gave out a screech and James figured Remus had stood up. "I'll see you around Penny."

It was silent for a few minutes and James gingerly got out his bed, groaning in pain when he finally noticed the bandage on his abdomen but he ignored it. He pulled back the curtains when he reached Penelope's side. The girl gave a startled gasp and she wiped furiously at her eyes, a clear sign that she had been crying.

"James, are you okay?" Penelope asked, still wiping at her eyes and James sunk in beside her, wrapping an arm around her.

"Are you okay Penny?" James asked, not answering her question because he knew the answer was something that Penelope won't like. He wasn't okay. He had risked his life for someone he hated to save his best mate, who only left them in the end.

Penelope sobbed, shaking her head and she buried her head in his chest, crying her eyes out. And James held her tightly, even when she fell asleep a little while later.


           𝙋enelope hated the Hospital Wing with every fibre in her being and being cooped up in it didn't sit well with her. She had James, sure, but she needed to get out of here. People die in Hospitals and Penelope wasn't too sure she'd like to die in one. Madam Pomfrey had come to check up on her a while after Remus had left, handing her a potion to drink and she had shook James awake, giving the bespectacled boy the same potion as well. After she had left, Peter came in to check on them, holding the mint bars Penelope favored so much and a few other treats.

"Are you two together now?" Peter suddenly asked when he noticed how close they slept together. Penelope suddenly choked on a mint bar and James slapped her on the back softly.

"Merlin no Wormy. We're just friends." James replied and Penelope could see a soft blush across his cheeks but she dismissed it.

"Elora said she saw you kissing and two nights ago I found you alone in the dorm room and you were shirtless James." Peter pointed out, munching on a ginger cookie and Penelope chuckled slightly, face hot and she gulped.

"Will you believe Elora, Pete?" Penelope asked, fanning her face and Peter chuckled at her, shaking his head at her.

"You don't have to lie to me Penny." He shrugged. "Anyway, has Sirius been here? What about Moony?"

"Rem left." Penelope whispered, eyes watering and she sniffed. "He left me Pete, said I deserve someone who can make me feel safe, not like I'm being hunted like an animal."

"I'm sorry Penny, forget I ever asked." Peter whispered, looking down and Penelope sniffed, having lost her appetite for her favorite mint bars. "I'll go search for Padfoot then. Get well soon Pen, you too Prongs."

"Thanks Wormy." James whispered, unwrapping a chocolate bar before he gently sat up, watching Peter walk away. "How's your leg?"

"It's good, how's your abdomen?"

"Well he didn't get my pecs so yeah I'm good." James grinned at Penelope, who rolled her eyes at him.

"How's the map coming up?" Penelope asked. The Mauraders had been designing a map to show Hogwarts, all the passages and everything else. Penelope didn't like using her Animagus form that much, but she had enjoyed it when she had flown into Hufflepuff Basement and the Slytherin Dungeons. She remembered when she had flown into Slytherin Dungeons, she had firstly entered with Severus, perched atop his shoulder and no matter how many times Severus had tried to shoo her away, she had stayed.

"Amazing, thanks to you and Moony's charm work." James grinned at her and Penelope rolled her eyes, sticking her tongue out and then it was happening all over again. James was kissing her again, slowly and softly, fingers dancing on her skin.

"I know what you'll say Prongs, that I was—Merlin's beard!" Penelope's eyes went wide as they zeroed in on Sirius, who looked shocked as he stared at Penelope and James, who was busy grumbling something under his breath.

"It's not what it looks like Black," Penelope then figured that, that wasn't the best thing to say. "Well, it is but you've got to understand. It's not like Rem and I are together anyway, he broke up with me."

Sirius' expression softened a little. "Warn a guy next time, don't want to come here and find my two best mates snogging in a Hospital Wing."

James let out a chuckle. "You're so dramatic Padfoot."

Sirius whipped his hair back. "All in good heart Prongsie, and I guess now Prongslet."

Both James and Penelope choked on their treats. "We're not dating Black."

"Your sexual tension tells me other things Penny." Sirius winked at them and Penelope groaned. Sirius Black was an absolute ass.

friends stick together, no matter what

𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋𝐒 | R. LUPIN	✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora