New Beginnings.

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"I hate this, I feel sick." I mumbled more to myself than anyone as I stared at my reflection in the mirror in the hallway of my house. Pulling at blue skirt I was wearing I wondered if I looked okay, was it too short? This uniform was something I was unfamiliar with. It had way too many layers compared to my old school in the west. I just recently moved and got settled in Japan due to business my parents had to conduct here.

Thankfully I wasn't too unfamiliar with Japan since my parents had jobs here when I was younger, so it was almost like a 'welcome home' trip. Even though I originally wasn't born here but that's a whole other story.

"You're being so dramatic." My brother scoffed as he walked past me, making his way towards the kitchen.

I shot him a glare before following after him, "No, I'm not. It's not even the first day of school, I'm just casually transferring into a new school. I'm going to stick out like a sore thumb and let's not forget my Japanese is tragic." I listed off all my anxieties about today.

Rolling his eyes he bit into a piece of toast, "You're not going to be alone. Mom and dad specifically managed to get us a place near Karasuno so you could go to school with Tsukishima. He'll help you out."

Puffing my cheeks, I knew he was right. Even though I was incredibly anxious to start school here I was excited to see Tsukki again. The first time I lived in Japan he lived next door to me, we were the same age so of course I followed him around like a lost puppy. I don't think he hated it, but he sure didn't act like he liked it. But if he didn't then we wouldn't have exchanged mail occasionally for all these years, right?

I lived in Japan from three to ten, and considering the fact that my parents weren't actually Japanese - I didn't feel the need to continue to work on my Japanese skills. Aside from mailing Tsukki but he did constantly like to remind and taunt me that my skills were on par with an elementary child. Just another reason I was absolutely dreading school, my workload was going to be doubled compared to everyone else.

Staring at the clock, my nerves began to rile up even more. I was going to need to leave soon. What if I got lost? What if I was late? What if I can't find my classroom?

I heard my brother laughing, "We're losing her people, she's panicking."

"Shut up!" I growled, throwing a wooden spoon across the room at him.

The doorbell rang and we both froze, confused. Who would be coming over this early in the morning? Exchanging glances my brother stood up and headed to the door with me slowly trailing behind him. But our mother beat us to it as she swung open the door to reveal an extremely tall blonde with glasses.

I froze my eyes widening before pushing past my brother and to the door, "Tsukki?! You've gotten so tall!" I stood on my tiptoes, attempting to compare our heights while he still towered over my five foot six self, "How tall are you?!" I continued to question.

His eyes held a bored expression while his lips smirked, "Six, two, Chibi-chan. Now I can actually hear your terrible Japanese, eh?" He laughed while I felt my cheeks flare.

"Shut up." I grumbled, backing away from him.

"I invited Tsukishima over to walk to school with you, I wanted to surprise you." My mother gushed, "I figured it would help calm your nerves."

I offered her a quick smile, she was right in a way, but with him already taunting me I was having my doubts. But would Tsukki really be Tsukki if he didn't bother me?

"Now let's go, we'll be late." He shooed me out the door and it was then that I noticed we weren't alone. I stared at the shorter fellow in front of me. He had dark grey-green hair and eyed me curiously.

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