shí yī

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They leave in two days time. A person who has been comatosed for months who gets to leave in two days is clearly a miracle. But for Donghyuck, it felt surreal.

His life came crashing down from the moment he and his husband got admitted in the hospital. No literal pun intended there but he went downhill ever since Renjun landed in a horrible state. Their band mates had to declare a hiatus in their social media platforms, simply not releasing a clear reason why but they had; in consideration to the situation that he was in, they had to give way not only because Donghyuck was one of their main singers, but because he would rather give up everything with a cause for his beloved. He found a job 2 months after his recovery; his condition was in the pre-recovery stage, his right arm had a cast to avoid dislocation ,  but knowing that his husband would be staying in the hospital for further clinical observation, he had to find another way to gain funds to support the medical bills that might eventually pile up.

It was pure luck to know that the owner of the hospital was one of Renjun’s bestfriend, Doctor Na. Donghyuck remembers back then Renjun would talk about a bubbly roommate he had back then. Na Jaemin had been one of Renjun’s closest friend ever since they met in High School till their college years. Being too comfortable with each other, and to save rent, Jaemin and renjun used o live in together in a shared apartment back  before he got transferred to a different city in Seoul.

When Jaemin found out that his bestfriend was admitted, he noted that their medical fees will eventually be cut down on his behalf. Donghyuck refused to accept how ridiculous his offer was, so he brought it to himself to find an accessible job of his own. He now works in an office that makes him handle organizing case files of people who went through court and passing it to a government official who keep tabs, probably someone from the Department of justice. It was something complicated, but it pays him well, plus he wouldn't be often spotted in the public’s eye. 

Donghyuck is now inside Doctor Kim’s office, sitting on one of his chairs that is placed in front of his desk.

“Everything about his vital stats and body condition are normal Mr. Lee, but your husband is currently suffering PTA- Post traumatic amnesia” He explains as he gives the tanned male a clear file with a copy of the tests and results.

“I-is it that bad?” he asks , voice slightly depleted.

“I honestly can't say, he is most likely at the moment disoriented, confused because he is currently unable to remember events , specific events in your lives. Though he remembers you when I asked him during his EEG ( electroencephalogram) .

He remembers parts about you, like your personality, what your likes and dislikes are. As a person he clearly knows who you are,but all the memories? I’m sad to say he barely remembers anything”
This time he doesn't hold himself back as he covers his face with the palms of his hands and breaks down on his chair, sobbing. Everythings was so hard for him, he had to let everything out.

Crying infront of his husband would do him no good, so Donghyuck chooses to cry in front of his doctor, someone who can at least sympathize with his pain.

Donghyuck apologizes in between his cries, he didn't want to burden the doctor even more about how much of an emotional wreck he is right now.

“I-is there anything that I can do to bring his memories back?”

“There is indeed a possible way.” Doctor Kim then explains that there has been research about PTA that a person’s memory can be brought back through constant brain exercises.

“You can help him get his memory back by either reliving the times you had spent together in those marriage years, or make new memories similar to what you had done in the past”.

Exactly Yours||RenHyuckDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora