Opening Page + Requests

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Thank you for deciding to read this little one-shot book! My name is Cal, and I am the author of this collection!

Request Status: OPEN!

-Request Rules/Info-

1) I will write; smut, angst, and fluff. Angst is a bit more uncommon, though.

2) I will not write anything that involves; rape, suicide, torture. Mentions of it may be included, but it will never be included in the main plot.

3) "X Readers" will be limited, mainly because I don't enjoy writing them that much. I will not write for any ocs/special inserts as well.

4) This story is pretty open in terms of character requests. However, I will not write any minors or people who are uncomfortable with it into ships or romantic oneshots. If I happen to write one for someone who doesn't like it, please let me know immediately. 

5) Adding onto the above, I will not write for anything that includes BadBoyHalo and Sapnap as a pair. Sapnap has stated he's uncomfortable with it. If there's anyone I write for in this book that has said that they do not like to be shipped, please let me know immediately and I will remove it.

6) In general, please be nice about what I write. If you do not enjoy it, do not read it. I try to put trigger warnings at the top along with a simple explanation, so do not come after me if you do not like it.

7) If any of the content creators included in this state that they are against my writing and want me to take down the chapter/book, I will do so without hesitation. Just reach out to me via DMs. I will ask for proof that you are who you say you are, though, just to be sure.

With that done with, please feel free to request on the below message or on this chapter. I will do my best to get to most if not all of the requests at some point in time, but I am a busy person.

Request Here!

Extra Note!

You are able to know whether the oneshots is more platonic or romantic by the first line.

If it's [person x person], it's romantic.

If it's [person and person] it's platonic.

Hopefully that helps a bit!

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