[technoblade] B e l i e f

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[Technoblade and Reader]

This chapter contains spoilers for the events that happened during and after the election.

Prompt: Reader is searching through the forest under the order of Schlatt and stumbles across an old friend.


The SMP was currently in shambles, under the control of a mad man known as Schlatt. Somehow, he had won the election by a mere 1% of votes, due to a deal he had made with Quackity, one of the other contenders. They didn't like any of them, but they felt like they had to side with them.

Tommy had never been nice to them, constantly killing them as they were gathering materials or meeting up with someone and chatting, and they never really spoke to Wilbur.

So, they didn't have much of a choice than to stay by Schlatt, although they were going to be stubborn.

While Schlatt was having the
entirety of L'Manburg's walls taken down, they just watched, despite being prompted by their now-president to help out. Schlatt quickly learned that they were not going to go along with it, though.

A little bit later on, they were approached by the ram man, who seemed all too pleased with the way things were going.

"Now, listen. If you aren't going to help here, go off and do as you normally do, but get some wood for the new nation."

They rolled their eyes at "new nation," but they stood up from their spot anyways. If they could get away temporarily, that would be ideal.

So, they left the call, going into one by themself, proceeding to run away from the main part of the SMP and into the forest.

Since they had left the main call, they didn't even know that Techno had joined them.

They were very good friends with the pig man, going back many many years. They had a strong bond, and they would often spend time together off stream to hang out.

So, as they spent time in the forest, mainly hanging out and chilling, they didn't think much when they heard the sound of footsteps, assuming it was a cow or something.

"What are you doing here?"

The sound of Techno's voice flooded their ears so suddenly they jumped, not even noticing that they joined the call. Turning around, they spotted the familiar form of their friend.

"Just gathering wood and stuff. Y'know, basic things."

"You're on his side, aren't you."

They tilted their head, unsure as to what he meant.

"Like- who do you mean by 'his'"

"The ram."

They made an O shape with their mouth, leaning against a nearby tree.

"I mean, I guess I technically am, but I'm not listening to really much of anything that he says. I don't like him. So that's why I'm out here."

They were surprised to feel the touch of cold metal against their throat as Techno pointed his sword at them.

"For all I know, you could be lying to my face right now."

"Techno, I'm your friend, I-"

"It doesn't matter who you are.
You could still be a spy. I can't trust you, so leave."

For some reason, the words of their friend hurt them, just a little. It was a slowly spreading pain, that started off as an ache and became more severe.

"Well, what can I do to earn your trust?"

"Prove you're not one of his."

"And how do you want me to do that?"

"Figure it out."

"Follow me," they said, switching calls to be in one with Schlatt. They waited until Techno joined as well to begin speaking, interrupting whatever Schlatt was already saying.

"Ram man." They said, causing Schlatt to pause.


"I genuinely don't like you, so,
I'm gonna join Technoblade and whatever side he's on. In advance, I really don't care what you think."

And then they left the call, joining back to the other one, which Techno joined again.

"Alright. I need you to follow me this time," he said, and they followed the man as he joined another call with Wilbur and Tommy.

"Techno, why did you bring them in here?" Wilbur asked, not so calmly.

"They're one of us. They're joining the rebellion."

"And how can we trust that?"

"Trust me, you can trust them."

Wilbur seemed a bit skeptical, while Tommy seemed fully opposed.

"We can't just let randoms in! They could be spies!"

"Says the one who allows Technoblade without knowing anything about his standing. So, I suggest you shut your mouth you gremlin child before I come over there and tape it shut."

That shut the teen's mouth, and Wilbur let out a laugh. Even Techno seemed amused.

"Ah, I like your guts! I'll trust you for now, but just know that if you betray us..." Wilbur paused, most likely for dramatic effect, "we will never forgive you."

"I know I know, drama queen. But you don't have to worry." They paused with a laugh.

"This is the side I'd rather be on."


Praying I didn't screw this up too much. But, hope you enjoyed it! It's my first time writing for Technoblade, so I'm not sure how in character it is.

Love you all! ❤️

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