[dream] D y s p h o r i a

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[Dream x Trans!Male!Reader]

This was more or less a comfort one-shot for me since I've been struggling with dysphoria a lot lately. But I hope you guys like it too.


He sat on the couch, curled up in soft fleece blankets. His boyfriend, Dream, watched from the nearby kitchen, feeling concerned for the smaller male.

Dream knew that he struggled a lot with his image, and did his best to comfort the other, but even so, sometimes he just wanted to be left alone.

He was very moody at times, going from not wanting to talk to needing cuddles 24/7. It wasn't that Dream minded, it just concerned him a little bit.

The wrapped-up male let out a soft whimper, followed by a sniffle. He felt upset and unhappy. He could barely stand to look at himself in the mirror in the morning, or even in general. Glancing over at the taller blonde, he gave Dream a wanting look, to which Dream picked up on right away, making his way over.

The Floridian sat down beside his boyfriend, who instantly snuggled up to him. He always felt safe in the larger man's arms, and it brought him so much comfort.

Dream pressed his lips to the other's head chastely, muttering sweet phrases to try and reassure him.

"You're so handsome, you know that?"

The smaller only hummed, readjusting himself and wrapping the blanket around both of them.

"Most handsome man I've ever met, and that will never ever change. You hear me?"

He looked up at Dream, nodding as he sniffled. Whenever Dream called him handsome, it pulled at his heart, but not in a bad way. His boyfriend always made him feel more ok with himself and his image, no matter what.

"I love you so much, you know?"

Tears pricked at his eyes, emotions starting to overcome him.

"I love you too, Dream"


Very short, I know, but hopefully that wasn't too confusing. I personally do not like writing "x readers" because I dislike how [Y/N]s and [Name]s look in my writing. That's why I just referred to the reader as he.

It may be a bit out of character too, but this was mainly just for my own comfort. Please don't be mean in the comments.

Love y'all, stay awesome ❤️

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