[schlattburr] B e t r a y a l

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[JSchlatt x Wilbur Soot]

This chapter contains spoilers for the events that happened during and after the election.

Prompt: Wilbur finds himself longing for something after being banished from L'Manburg.


It was dark out, with Wilbur being in the middle of the forest. Crickets and other bugs chirped around him, but other than that, all was silent. Tommy and Technoblade were currently back at their base, and Tubbo had just returned to L'Manburg for the night. After the day's events, Wilbur found himself feeling empty. Everything had been alright when Schlatt first visited the server, which ultimately ended up in him being banned. But, when he came back, he successfully overtook and ruined everything that they had worked so hard to gain. L'Manburg, the country they had fought so long and hard for, gone in 1% of a vote difference.

It was infuriating. If not for the deal Quackity and Schlatt had made, they would still have their country; their home. Wilbur should have hated Schlatt with everything he had, and a part of him wanted to, but he just couldn't. No matter what, he couldn't hate Schlatt. No matter how agonizing the man made it for Wilbur; tearing apart his nation piece by piece, leaving nothing behind. All the memories they had were gone.

Wilbur hated crying, he really did, especially in front of other people, but he couldn't help the streams of tears that flooded down his face. His heart was wrenched with anguish, overwhelmed and overcome with emotions. He leaned against a nearby tree, gripping at the collar of his uniform, the last thing he had left of L'Manburg. And even then, the outfit would soon have to go. Their nation was over. Schlatt was in control, and Wilbur would have to accept that sooner or later.

He had never felt more alone than he did at that moment.

He was so caught up in emotions, he didn't even hear the approaching footsteps. So, as a hand gently touched his shoulder, he shot up, whipping out his sword, only to be met with the man who had betrayed him.

"Piss off, Schlatt," Wilbur spat, hissing out the other man's name with disgust.

"Wilbur, Wilbur, let's talk about this," Schlatt said, the same amused tone in his voice as always.

"The last thing I want to do is talk to you after what you've done."

"Are you blaming me for being elected now, because the election isn't my fault. It's what the people wanted."

"What the people wanted was Pog2020, but you had to go behind everyone's back and make a deal with Quackity!"

"Wilbur, I'm sure you know just as well as I that sometimes extreme measures need to be taken to ensure victory, especially in government."

Wilbur groaned, "Stop it. Stop talking like you know everything."

"I'm only stating the facts. There were no rules against it, so I technically didn't do anything wrong."

"I hate you."

"We both know that you don't."

And he was right. Wilbur couldn't hate Schlatt. He didn't have it in him. No matter what the man did, no matter how much of his heart he tore out, Wilbur just couldn't hate him. He really wish he could, though.

Tears pricked at Wilbur's eyes again, threatening to flow. He was frustrated, so very frustrated, and he didn't know what to do. He wanted to punch Schlatt; smack him until his frustration was gone. He knew that wasn't right though. Instead he gritted his teeth, smashing his hand against the tree beside him. The bark was hard against his hand, even scraping it and causing it to bleed. But Wilbur didn't care, not one bit. He didn't even notice the sting on his hand, too fixated on Schlatt to really bother.

"Your hand, Wilbur." Schlatt pointed out, raising a finger to motion toward his bleeding hand.

"Don't care."

"Well I do. Come here." Schlatt demanded, but Wilbur didn't budge. Schlatt was probably just going to kill him if he got closer, and Wilbur wasn't going to take those chances.

Schlatt sighed, quickly learning that Wilbur was going to be stubborn. The man didn't blame him, though, for he had no reason to trust Schlatt. The man pulled out a roll of bandages, that for he conveniently had on him on the time, and tossed them at Wilbur.

"If you don't want my help, at least help yourself."

The bandages bounced off the British man's chest, and Wilbur flinched as they hit the ground. He only seemed to stare at them, not takin initiative to pick them up. Schlatt groaned, shaking his head with annoyance. Wilbur really wasn't going to budge. Schlatt reached down, picking up the bandages, and starting to approach the other man, who held a defensive stance.

"You can stab me if you want, Wilbur, but I don't suggest if." Schlatt warned, and Wilbur faltered a little. He seemed to be a little disoriented, so Schlatt took the chance to grab Wilbur's shoulders and gently push him up against the tree.

Wilbur instantly reacted, trying to push Schlatt away, but the man had a strong hold on him, disabling movement.

"Since you refused to do it yourself, this is what we've come to." Schlatt sighed, grabbing Wilbur's injured hand, which made the other man flinch. But, he seemed to start to relax, just a little, since Schlatt seemed to be wanting to help.

It didn't take very long, but Schlatt wrapped Wilbur's hand up in bandages, making sure it was tight but not too tight.

"How's that," he asked upon completion.

"...Fine," Wilbur replied, looking down at his now-wrapped hand.

Schlatt nodded, taking a step back and allowing Wilbur to push himself off of the tree. He notice Schlatt look down at his watch and sigh, which piqued his interest.

"I best be going now. If anyone asks if you've ever seen me at night, you didn't. Got it? You can at least do that for me since I helped you out."

"I could have done it myself, y'know."

"But you didn't."

Wilbur rolled his eyes. "Fine, I didn't see you at all.

And with that Schlatt left, and Wilbur felt a pang in his chest.

He felt alone again. Alone in a world that rejected him.

But maybe, not everyone rejected him.


Alright, so I have 0 experience writing for this ship, but I wanted to add some variety into the book.


If I don't get anything to prompt my writing, I have to come up with things by myself.

Also, please vote and comment, it means a lot and would help out the book! I love to interact with my readers.

That's all for now, love you guys! ❤️

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