[feret] A d v i c e

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[Eret and Fundy]


It was the middle of the night, and all was silent. Fundy wandered through the woods outside of what was now known as Manburg, needing a break from all the chaos. His heart ached, and his body felt heavy, but he still managed to make his way forward, hidden under the tree's canopy.

The fox-man ran a hand through his hand, thumb brushing against his ear, which caused a shiver to rack his body. The longer he was to be out here, the colder it would get. He just hoped he wasn't followed.

Fundy made his way to a small river, where he used to hang out with Wilbur, his Dad. He missed Wilbur, even though he was sure the man despised him for turning traitor. It wasn't that Fundy wanted to join Schlatt, he was just scared of what may have happened if he were to choose otherwise. He wished he could have been a little beaver.

His tail swished back and forth as he sat himself down on the ground, eyes staring out longingly at the water's surface. The dim reflection of the moon could be seen farther out, and Fundy noticed a fish swim up to him. It was a salmon. Fundy smiled, feeling a little bit comforted. Although he doubted it was true, Wilbur had always joked that his mother was a salmon. Even though that terrified younger Fundy, considering he ate fish, he fox found comfort in the idea that maybe the salmon in front of him was his mom, or even a relative.

"What do you want from me, huh?" Fundy questioned, although the fish didn't respond. How could it? It was a fish.

"That's right, you can't respond... Well, swim away if you don't need anything."

The fish stayed in place, its twinkling eyes seeming to be looking right at Fundy. A few moments passed, and suddenly, the fish jerked away, receding back into the deeper parts of the river. Then followed the sound of footsteps behind him.

The fox-man jerked around, launching himself to his feet too suddenly for him to keep his balance. So, he started to fall backwards, but a firm hand grabbed his wrist.

"Careful now, I don't suggest swimming at this time at night."


The man softly smiled down at Fundy, who after regaining his balance, jerked his wrist away.

He wasn't in the mood to talk to Eret, and it wasn't like he had anything to say to him in the first place.

Or... did he?

The taller man across from him stayed silent, and although Fundy couldn't see his eyes, he knew that he was focused on him.

The fox's ears flicked nervously, and he fidgeted with his hands a little.

"Come with me," Eret stated, and although he should have been more reluctant, Fundy followed suit, almost instantly.

Eret was known for having betrayed L'Manburg during the previous war, but Fundy knew he wasn't a bad guy. As much as he had despised Eret in that moment, he tried to understand his motivations behind it.

The pair walked for a bit, silence looming over them like a cloud on a rainy day. It was quite uncomfortable for Fundy, but he managed to keep his mouth shut.

Eret brought the two of them into a small clearing, where there was a little bump in the ground that caused a tiny dome-shaped hill to be formed. The taller man did not hesitate to walk right over and sit down, then motioning for Fundy to do the same.

The fox-man rubbed the back of his neck, but complied, sitting parallel to Eret.

"So, explain to me what you are doing out so late."

"I could ask you the same." Eret chuckled at Fundy's reply, adjusting the straps on his cape so it fit better on top of his shoulders.

"Touché. The only reason I'm out is because I couldn't sleep; decided to take a walk to release some energy."

Fundy visibly frowned. Eret had a valid reason, and Fundy was afraid to flat out say that he was almost considering being a spy for Wilbur.

"How did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"How did you betray L'Manburg like that back then?"

"I'm not sure I'm following."

"What steps did you have to take to do it."

Eret raised an eyebrow, seeming quite suspicious of Fundy's words, which made the other male sweat.

"You have to be good at deceiving and lying, essentially; blend in with the others to make yourself seem harmless."

Fundy hummed, although on the inside he felt uncomfortable. He wasn't the best at faking emotions.

"Why is it that you ask?" Eret questioned, which caused Fundy to jump, tail ruffling up.

"N-No reason," he smiled, although Eret was quick to bite back.

"If you want to be a spy, you can't be so obvious with your intentions."

"Whatever do you mean?"

"Your reaction just now was a dead giveaway that asking me that question was more than just a meer curiosity. You're planning on going behind Schlatt's back, aren't you?"

Fundy was frozen for a good minute, but he slowly nodded.

"Please - just don't say anything, Eret."

"Don't worry, I won't. I personally have no opinion on this political quarrel, so what happens is what happens. You can still come to me for advise, y'know. I'm your friend, after all."

Yeah, Eret was his friend. He knew he could trust him, and he didn't realize that he had forgotten all of that until now. Even though he betrayed them in the past, Fundy was sure he meant well.

"Thank you, Eret."


That ending was complete shit I'm so sorry. The story morphed from the original idea halfway through which threw me off, and I'm trying to post more updates to keep you guys entertained.

Nonetheless, I hope you enjoyed. Love you! ❤️

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