Chapter Twenty Seven

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The next morning, Mal wandered around the Isle with Estelle trotting loyally by her side; trying to find her crew. Normally she'd go straight for the docks but her dad had forbidden her from going there. Not one to tempt fate by having her dad find out she disobeyed him, especially with Freddy still out there, Mal decided to check the other places. Starting first with the clubhouse.

If Harry and Jay got locked out of their homes, odds were they were there—hopefully not nursing any wounds for going after Freddy. Though knowing the boys the way she did, Mal wouldn't put it past them. After all, the smoke covered Freddy's face so it was likely the Dragon wouldn't find out. Yet. Her spies were everywhere after all.

"Boys? Uma?" Mal called as she opened the gate to the clubhouse and climbed the stairs.

"In here Mal!" Uma called.

"Are you three alright?"

"I'm fine. So's Jay. This idiot however..." Uma said as she tried to wrap Harry's ribs with a makeshift bandage, Harry trying to squirm from her grasp.

"Nothing that wasn't to be expected," Harry muttered and sighed as he saw Mal's face. "I didn't disobey orders Mal. The Captain wasn't too pleased I abandoned my post and had Harriet take over. She hasn't worked the counter since I was seven-the counter's 'man's work' after all."

He winced as Uma continued to try to wrap his ribs.

"Harry! You should have come straight back to the Underworld," Mal cried as she hurried over to help or at least hold Harry still so Uma could wrap him. Personally she thought the whole concept of men and women's work was completely stupid—Athena and Artemis were proof of that. Mal doubted that they wouldn't do something because it was normally done by a man, but she held her tongue. Harry needed her attention.

"Mal, it's nothing," Harry said as he winced again, Estelle trotting over and resting his heads on Harry's leg. "I think they're just bruised this time. I'll be fine."

Mal rolled her eyes. "Doesn't matter Harry. You should have come back to the Underworld."

Harry gave a small shrug, wincing as the pain of the motion hit him.

"Hey idiot, don't shrug," Uma told him. "If you were with Uncle Hades right now, he could get you something for the pain."

"Don't coddle me Uma. Yesterday was a one off."

"Who's coddling? Bruised or broken, your ribs are injured!" Uma told him. "It's going to smart for a while."

"I'm aware," Harry muttered.

"So, still think I'm coddling you by suggesting we get you something for the pain?" Uma asked.

"Uma, nobody else gets—"

"No one else is sitting in front of me with potentially broken ribs," Uma said, glaring slightly at Harry. "Uncle Hades would flip if he found out we just let you suffer, especially after you saved Mal's life yesterday. Now do I need to drag you or are you going to come by yourself?"

"Uma, would it be better if I brought my dad here?" Mal asked. "You and I both know Harry's as stubborn as a mule and I don't think dragging him would be the best idea with his ribs."

"Either way works."

"Girls!" Harry exclaimed. "I'm fine! I've had worse anyway."

"Be quiet Harry!"

"But I'm fine!" Harry said, throwing up his arms and nearly shouting in pain from his ribs. "I should not have done that."

"Case in point. I will be right back," Mal said as she headed for the door. "Estelle, stay with Harry. I think he needs you more right now boy."

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