is this how you're living?

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fall for her (nobody else)- runner and bobby

"is this how you're living?"
he asks me as we enter my room.
"did you just rent a room at the ritz?" i ask him, turning around to open the window.
"i afforded myself a shade more comfort than this." he tells me as he looks around at the small room.
"well, the woman we boarded them off assured us these were fine rooms." i tell him, looking at the back of his head.
"hmm...". he says humming, and beginning to take his jacket off. "the woman you boarded off lied." he says looking at me then down to my left.
what is he looking at?
i look down to see my undergarments.
i rush over to move them and continue to talk.
"i have but a single bed, so i'll have to sleep on the floor." i tell him as i begin to collect the news article spread out in my bed, from the previous day when enola and i were looking at them.
"you keep old newspapers?" he asks me, picking one up to read for himself.
"be careful with that. we haven't finished reading it yet." i tell him, walking around the bed to stand next to him.
"oh. i'm in this one." he says looking at me with a smile.
"so you are."
"look." he says as i walk past him to take my earrings out.
i hear him place the newspaper down as he continues to talk. "why do you keep all these old newspapers, florence holmes?"
i slowly turn around to look at him, contemplating if i should tell him or not.
"my mother. we're waiting for her to leave us a message. she hasn't yet." i tell him.
"'message'? what..." he says looking down at the floor then back to me.
"she likes ciphers. coded messages that need to be deciphered." i tell him with a smile, as i sit next to him.
"and why would she leave you two a message?"
i look at him with my mouth slightly open, closing it as soon as i realized.
"because she left us." i begin, fiddling with my fingers. "and i thought she meant for us to find her, but i'm not sure she did now." i say, turning to face him more. "so we left her a message, and we're hopeful of a reply." i tell him, taking the newspaper out of his hand and putting it into the pile i made. "i keep the newspapers to check." i tell him as i turn back around getting ready to stand up, as i drop them onto the ground.
we both react rather quickly bending over to pick them up.
"i got it." i tell him, chuckling, as i sit back up.
i see him looking at me down and up, with a small laugh.
"why are you looking at me like that?" i ask him.
"i'm sorry."
"i don't want your pity, tewkesbury" i tell him as i put the newspapers under my pillow and turn back around.
he's staring at me the same way he was before.
"if you don't tell me why you're looking at me like that, viscount tewkesbury, marquess of basilwether, i'll murder you myself." i shout as a cough is heard from the doorway.
"why hello there tewkesbury." she says.
he gives her nothing but a small nod.
"i'm going to make us all some tea." she tells us, as he turns back to me.
"people don't seem to want us, do they?" he asks me, looking at me that way again.
"no." i simply state.
"still, at least we've got each other." he says turning towards me, staring at me once again.
i start to feel myself lean in as i see him do the same as well.
my eyes flutter shut, as i begin to feel his warm breath on my lips.
this is very.
his soft lips touch mine for no longer then a couple seconds, before i jump back with wide eyes.
"i'm going to go check on the tea." i say with a sarcastic smile and laugh.
i run up the stairs towards where enola must be, as i hear him behind me.
"so you genuinely believe my life's in danger?" he asks looking at me as i stand next to enola. "uh, from whom?"
"your past and your future." enola tells him.
"whatever does that mean." he mutters.
"your family. they didn't send a detective to find you. they could have, and they didn't. instead, they sent a murderer." i tell him as enola walks out of the room, me following right behind her stopping next to tewkesbury.
"why would anyone want me dead?" he asks me in a low voice that practically gave me butterflies in my stomach.
"countless reasons." enola says fom the bottom of the stairs.
"your personality, your cu- ridiculous hair, your perfe- silly smile, or possibly your land, your estate, your title, your seat." i continue on as we enter the room with the boiling station.
"same reasons they wanted your father dead." enola adds on. "greed does funny things to people, tewkesbury."
i stand next to him against a bed post.
that may have been a bit too far enola.
"so now your saying you think they killed my father?"
"i don't think. i know." she says standing up and looking him in the eyes.
i look up at him.
i genuinely feel bad.
"no. no, none of this makes the slightest sense. my fathers death was caused by a botched burglary, and- and it would have been easier to kill me before i ran away, rather then now-" he rants as i slowly place my hand on top of his.
"i entirely agree. i think they tried to. we found the branch that almost killed you. it had been cut." she states.
his hand becomes shaky as he turns it to hold onto mine.
there they are again.
"cut?" he asks as enola suddenly reaches for the boiling tea pot.
"better you-" a man yells as she takes it and hits him forcefully.
"oh, gosh! oh!"
me being myself, i let out the highest pitched scream as tewkesbury pulls me towards the door.
the man begins to stand up as he pushes him back towards me, pulling me out of the way just in time.
"come on!" i hear enola shout front the front.
"come back here!" lestrade yells.
"who's he?" tewkesbury yells as he moves me in front of him on the stairs.

third person pov-

"didn't you get her, inspector?" the lady that works at the dress shop shouts to lestrade.
"shut up, you!" he yells back, running up the stairs.

florence's pov-

we run inside of enola's room as tewkesbury pushes me behind him.
"move the chest! move the chest!" enola shouts as she tried to keep the door shut.
"where are they?" i hear the man yell from outside.
i go next to tewkesbury and push the chest in front of the door, as the man pushes up against it.
"open up, miss posy, and little cordelia, or should i say miss holmes?" lestrade shouts.
my breathing becomes heavier and heavier with each
pound against the door.
"enola what's happening, what do we do?" i ask, my hands shaking out of control.
"just calm down flora it's ok, it's ok." she says in attempt to calm me, but it's failing miserably.
"inspector lestrade, i need to report an attempted murder. you're supposed to be on our side." enola shouts as we all push against the chest in attempt to keep the door from opening.
"help me get in through this door." he shouts to whoever's out there helping him.
"well, i'll help you when i get my money, my finders fee." the lady from the dress shop.
"you'll get your money when we catch them. come on!" he shouts.
"see that window over there?" enola asks tewkesbury and i.
we both look over to it, continuing to push against the door.
"it leads onto a roof. i need you to climb out and take her with you off into nowhere." she says, mostly directed towards tewkesbury.
"and leave you? are you crazy enola?!" i shout at her.
"i need to hold this door!" she shouts back at me.
"but you need to get away too!" tewkesbury says.
"if he catches you, your life will be in danger. if he catches me, it's simply a life i do not want.
and florence deserves to be happy with you. now go." she says looking at me.
"i don't want to leave you, enola." i tell her.
they begin banging on the door even harder then before, pushing the chest back.
"go!" she yells at me, as i look her straight in the eyes.
i feel tewkesbury grab onto my arm trying to pull me with him.
"go!" she yells at me once again.
i run towards the window, as he's already out with a hand reached out towards me.
i look back at enola struggling, as i feel his hand touch mine.
i look at her one more time before obeying her wish.
my eyes fill with tears as i leave my sister, my bestfriend, behind.
tewkesbury grabs onto my hand as we run to lord knows where, dodging past people, keeping our heads down.

third person pov-

"help me now!" lestrade yells at the two ladies behind him.
"useless men!" the lady says pushing against the door as well.
enolas eyes begin to well up with tears as the door begins to open.
"no!" she shouts, being pushed by the chest.
lestrade and the lady from the dress shop enter the room.
there's only one of them.
"he's worth more, and although she's a part of it, you give me greater pleasure." lestrade says as enola looks between them both.
the lady holding up the missing poster, that in fact, had two sisters on it.
i guess they believe one may do.

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