Birthday Fun

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The next day Chris, Bryan, Dayne and Tyler were all back at the house and the others went to get them. The next few days became busy because we had friends of the boys coming to stay and Heidi had her twin brother and her best friend coming over to stay as well as the house became packed again in just a couple of day.

It was nice though to be back in la and back with all the boys. In just a few months they had all become family to me. Me and mamma Mel had become really close. She was like the mom I never had as she treated me like an actual daughter and how a mother should treat daughter and I was the daughter she never had so it worked out well.

I was so excited as my birthday was soon and I was going to be 18 and I couldn't wait. It was great to be back going live every night and to be back doing zooms. I loved being able to chat to my fans whether it was for 15 minutes or an hour, however long the zoom was I still enjoyed talking to them and they enjoyed talking to me.

The day before my birthday we were all bye busy working on a secret project so we didn't go live our usual time but because it was my birthday we stayed up and went live at 11:45 on the 30th July, 15 minutes before 12 and my birthday. We all had our lives set up on the table and I was sat in the middle. I had Tristan one side of me and Tyler the other. Even mamma Mel and Zach were with us on live.

5 minutes to they all turned their lives off and then it was just mine off. We chatted and then they started a count down
"10." They shouted

"9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2..." they shouted

"1. Happy birthday." They finished as it hit 12.

Bryan, Zach and Dayne set off party poppers behind me as they all shouted happy birthday to me. I smiled and thanked them all. All my comments were saying happy birthday to me and it was great.

"ok here's your first present," Zach said handing me a box.

It was wrapped in sparkly green paper. I opened the box and inside were Christian Louboutin Bianca Booty. (black ankle books with red soles.) I was so happy. I had wanted these for years but my parents never got them for me. I thank them all and hugged them and then ended my live.

We chatted for a bit and then went to bed. I led in bed watching some fan edits that they had made for my birthday and liking them. I then went to bed.

I woke up that morning to Tristan shooting me with a nerf gun. I got up and put a hoodie on and we went upstairs. They had decorated the dining room. They had streamers, balloons, a pile of presents and a vase of flowers on the table.

I smiled and thanked them all and sat down. I started opening the cards and presents. I got a cute pair of custom A1s, some jewellery and makeup and clothes and food. After I had finished mamma Mel cooked some pancakes for us as we chatted at the table.

I had my favourite breakfast and then went and changed. I put on all my new stuff. I then drove to my house to see my parents for a bit. They gave me a few things and we chatted a bit and then I left. I went to the PO Box on the way home and there was quite a bit there. A lot happened to be for me. I got back and sorted it out with Zach. There was some for each of the boys and a lot for me as none of us had been there in ages.

I decided to go live on insta and open my packages. I sat in the office and opened them all and thanked each person and read letter and food. While I was live, I got scared of Tristan.

I didn't hear him come in as I was talking to my live

"hi." He said next to me. I turned to see him in jocker makeup

"FUCK." I shouted and jumped back suddenly seeing him there and looking like the jocker

He cracked up laughing.

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