Secret City of Saturn : Episode One

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"We are here today for the soul gathering of Mr Archie Omar," an official woman greeted the audience in the church like building around her. "He is dying and our ritual has unfortunately been forced to take place."

The men and women in the audience looked sad and solemn as the official woman moved towards a clear glass casket.

Above the casket was a massive injector, filled with a purple substance.

"I am Terisa Fauktan, my soul gathering certification number is #4289 and I have been asked to carry out this ritual by the mans husband, Mr Thomas Omar," she gestured towards a blonde haired crying man in the front row. Before I continue, I must ask if anybody has any objection to this ritual taking place."

Terisa looked around, almost daring someone to object to the ritual.

"Good," she nodded. "Without further ado, let the soul gathering take place."

* * *

"And relax," the Doctor let out a long excess of air.

"Okay," Max opened his eyes. "How many more sessions of this have I gotta endure?"

"The bars of the mental cage are already secure," the Doctor nodded. "I'd say 6 or 7."

"Wow," Max nodded to himself. "I'm suprised I can even relax after our last trip."

"I told you, I didnt know that Sontaron nudists would be protesting down the street," the Doctor waved his hands apologetically.

"Doesnt mean it wasnt mentally disturbing," Max shook his head. "You know where Stacy is?"

"Take one guess," the Doctor sighed as they left the Tardis observatory.

"The tub? Again? She's going to become a raisin at this rate," Max headed towards the spa door.

"Well after what happened in Riverdawn with the Rocket Men," the Doctor shrugged.

"She needs time," Max nodded. "I know, I'm just gonna talk to her."

"Go for it," the Doctor left for the console room as Max entered the spa.

A heat wave smelling of vanilla, strawberries and other fragrances wafted in his face as he coughed. "Jesus," he shut the door. "I see you expanded the steam room."

It had been around 3 weeks since the events that had occurred at the lake and from then they had adventures on Klom with the Androvax, Riverdawn with the Rocket Men, Earth with the Slitheen and the Nudist Protesting Sontarons on Androzani Major.

At Riverdawn, Stacy was held hostage and tortured for information by the Rocket Men and ever since, she hadn't talked to either the Doctor or Max the same way.

"What are you doing here?" Stacy groaned.

"Wanted to see how you were?" Max smiled at her through the steam.

"How do you think I am?" She sarcastically rolled her eyes. "Did the Doctor put you up to this?"

"No, I came myself," Max frowned and paused thinking for a response. "You know if you want to talk to me-"

"I dont want to talk about it!" Stacy snapped. "You know why I stay in here, because whenever I leave the warmth of this tub I can feel the burning hot irons burning into my skin. Whenever I leave these smells I can smell the reek of corpses and vomit."

"You cant keep doing this," Max insisted.

"And who decides that? You?"

Max paused. "Fine."

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