Rise of the Lightning Man : Episode Three

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"I lied about my strength," the voice sounded legitimately sad. "I currently have a half life, no form, no power. It was all taken away from me in a massive explosion. But I still survive, as an entity-"

"As a parasite," Max interrupted. "Feeding off other peoples power!"

"But not for long," the voice now sounded hopeful. "The strike will change, everything."

"The strike?" Max frowned again. "You keep going on about it. What even is it?"

"An event," the voice answered. "And it will make me whole again..."

* * *

The Doctor ran back to the shop and was appalled to find it empty. "DAMN!"

He kicked over an exhibit and ran outside the shop, looking both ways up and down the street.

"We were brought here by an entity that has now got control over my ship, and has locked one of my friends inside it. Now my other friend has gone missing and I don't know what to do. Oh my god! What do I do?"

The Doctor took a deep breath.

"Camn down first," he told himself. "Okay, where would Sophie be?"

Slowly he realised and turned around to face the power station. "Of course."

* * *

Sophie approached a warehouse to the side of the power station, crouching behind some bins whilst she waited for the people inside the leave for a second.

It wasn't long till they did so she went inside, looking for a way into the Power Station.

She saw light coming through a hole in the wall. It was a way into the station but it had been boarded off.

Looking around to see if anyone was nearby, she kicked the boards off, exposing the way she needed to go.

She bent down and crawled inside.

* * *

"So what now?" Max leaned against the railings of the Tardis console. "Now I figured put your little trick."

"It seems I am out of entertainment," the voice sighed. "But it's about time I left you Max, the strike it coming."

In a flash of red lightning, the entity left the Tardis.

Max instantly recognised the red lightning and realised. "This must have something to do with Sophie."

At the console, he sent a message to the Doctors sonic.

"Get Sophie."

* * *

The Doctor approached the warehouse beside this power station, thinking about how to get in.


His sonic flashed.

"Finally a message," the Doctor pulled our his sonic and read the message with a frown. "Get Sophie?"


A flash of red lightning flew over him and into the factory.

"Hmmm," the Doctor thought to himself as it started to rain again. "Ohhhhh," he groaned as he ran into the warehouse.

It wasn't long until he found the hole in the wall Sophie had entered.

"Don't mind if I do," the Doctor smiled as he crawled through.

* * *

In the Power Station, Sophie passed many industrious structures and creeped along an electric fence that crackled with power. She was looking for shelter to get away from the second shower of rain.

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