The Waters of Licosis : Episode One

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A tall, young man walked speedily down a corridor, covered in dirt and grit. "Hey."

He approached a door and typed 4 numbers in the panel next to it.

The door slid up as he walked into the room with another man.

"Wow Jon," the other man stared at Jon up and down. "How long was your shift today?"

"7 hours," Jon moaned as he approached a chamber at the other end of the room.

"You look like a pile," the other man laughed.

"Shut up Jonas," Jon opened the chamber. "That's why I've come for a shower."

"Are you sure you want a shower?" Jonas waved two pipes in the air. "We have a split in the pipeline, there could be contaminated water."

"Haha very funny," Jon closed the door of the shower behind him.

"I mean I wasn't joking," Jonas raised an eyebrow. "Oh I'm sure he will be fine."

* * *

15 minutes later, 4 people were sat around a futuristic circular table. They ate a series of international foods: rice, noodles, fish and chips.

One woman sat uncomfortably on her seat. "Where's Jon?"

"Calm down Sam," Jonas smiled at her from across the table. "He took a shower, he's probably just getting some clothes on."

"A shower!" Another woman next to Sam yelled. "I said no-one using water from that section until it was cleared for use."

"Sorry Commander," Jonas nodded apologetically from across the table. "I did tell him but he thought I was joking."

"What are you guys talking about?" The other man sat next to Jonas asked.

"Basically Derek, there is a split in the pipe between section 5 through 6," Jonas explained. "The water could be contaminated and Jon just used the Section 5 shower."

"Woah," Jon entered the room with wet hair and a frown. "That doesnt mean I've got to go into quarantine does it."

"I'm afraid it does," the Commander stood up.

"Damn, I wanted to-" Jon then dropped his head.

"Everyone back," the Commander yelled. "Derek! Inform Security what is happening immediately."

"Yes Commander," Derek ran over to a computer panel and spoke into a microphone. "Security, Jon our Second in Command may have been exposed to contaminated water and he is having a reaction."

Jon started to spasm violently and groan.

"Got it, we're putting the Colony into quarantine," a woman's voice spoke through the computor speakers.

"Now," the Commander frowned, backing away as water started to drop from Jon's fingers. "Everyone to the door slowly, once we're all through, Sam will seal the doors so that they are air tight."

"Yes Commander," Sam whimpered as they all backed away to the door.

Jon stopped his spasm then raised his head slowly to reveal his ghastly blue eyes and his cracked mouth.

"Oh my god!" Jonas gasped in horror as they all were through the door and it slid down shut.

"Sealed it," Sam informed the Commander.

"Now then," the Commander turned down the ill lit dirt tunnel. "Let's all go to the hub."

* * *

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