Coagulus : Episode Four

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Once Danny was at the bottom he hastily went to the left and the others had to run to keep up with him.

After around 5 minutes of walking through the castle, Danny entered a room and shut the door behind him.

The Doctor pulled out his sonic and spoke into it like a microphone. "Max, you there."

"Yeah," Max's voice spoke out of the microphone. "This makeshift earpiece is a bit low tech and uncomfortable but it does do the job."

"Good," the Doctor once again spoke onto it. "You in position?"

"Yeah, I am," Max confirmed. "You can move in."

"Got it," the Doctor nodded to Stacy who broke the door down and walked in to see a smashed glass of a strange mineral on the floor.

"What is this stuff?" Stacy bent down to examine the stuff and the Doctor bent down with her.

"Its the stuff Danny came to take," the Doctor picked up a few grains of it. "An oppositional mineral to blow up the lake."

"And now you've revealed your plans," King Coagulus walked in behind them followed by the guards, Beth and Danny.

Stacy looked up at the roof and frowned. "Doctor, where's Max?"

"The third member of your disgusting Believer party," King Coagulus laughed. "Already been caught by the guards on the roof."

"We arent Believers," the Doctor pleaded. "We're telling the truth!"

"Guards," King Coaglus waved his arm. "Take them away."

As the guards were escorting them out of the room, Coagulus shook his head. "Y'know, for a moment I actually believed you."

"Like I said," Beth stared at them in disgust. "To good to be true."

Danny gave a smug smirk to the Doctor and Stacy as they walked out of the room.

He had won the battle.

But would he win the war...

* * *

The Doctor, Stacy and Max were put in cells and chained to the wall.

The Doctor was in there for around 2 hours before he had his first visitor, the visitor wasnt someone he was too happy about seeing.

Danny walked into his cell with the same smug smile as before. As soon as the cell door shut he started to talk. "I cant believe you actually fell for my trap."

"It was well devised," the Doctor raised an eyebrow. "I underestimated you."

"Do you really think I put the radio communication on such a simple frequency for no reason, it was so you could pick it up with your dumb magic wand," Danny explained.

"Its a sonic screwdriver," the Doctor corrected him.

"Whatever," Danny shook his head. "You're smart so you knew I would go for an oppositional mineral to blow up the lake so I led you to the supply room, climbed out the window before you could follow me and led in my Dad who I had already told you were Believers."

"Genius!" the Doctor unconvincingly  yelled.

"Why did you say it like that?" Danny looked at him, concerned.

"You've been played my friend," the Doctor put on Danny's smug smile as King Coagulus walked into the room.

"So it's TRUE!" Coagulus yelled. "My own son is a BELIEVER!"

"I cant believe you actually fell for my trap," the Doctor quoted Danny.

"I told you it would work," Stacy spoke as she and Max walked in behind the King and unclaimed the Doctor.

"I cant believe it," King Coagulus continued to shake his head.

Danny stood there, livid at the Doctor, Stacy and Max. Then he made for the door but his Dad caught him. He struggled in his fathers arms. "Nobody in this universe deserves to live! We have the power to destroy everything, seize the opportunity and destroy!"

"Who are you to make that decision?" King Coagulus put his son in the Doctors chains.

"You cant stop it now," Danny continued to struggle. "I already sent the oppositional elements to the Believers. Nothing can stop them now."

"Have you ever considered me destroying the orange ocean?" The Doctor thought to himself.

"Wait, are you still a Believer?" The King backed away cautiously.

"No, no!" The Doctor waved his hand. "I can take you and you're people off this planet and take you where you want to go then lift the orange ocean off the planet and seperate it into trillions and trillions of tiny droplets and scatter them around the universe. Stopping anyone else from doing harm with it."

"You can do that with the Tardis?" Stacy questioned.

"I once hurled the Earth across the universe with that box," the Doctor smiled. "I think I can lift up a bit of water."

"If you're lying," King Coagulus turned to the Doctor. "I will kill you, but if you're telling the truth, I will remember you till the day I die."

"Guess you got a lot of remembering to do," the Doctor smiled. "Let's go."

* * *

The Doctor, Stacy and Max took Coagulus and the residents of the castle to the Tardis where they worked hard to get it out of the chemically degraded floor.

Once they were inside the Doctor did as he said and scattered the ocean across the universe, leaving the planet a dry world.

Then he took them all back to Earth so they could live on for generations on their own world.

Yet after all of that, he still had one more visit he needed to make.

* * *

The Tardis mateirialised in a garden. Flowers blew graciously in the wind as an angry woman ran out of the house.

"Who put that there?" The woman stared at the box.

Inside the Tardis, Stacy held back tears looking at the Tardis monitor. "Its my mother."

"Go on then," the Doctor pointed to the doors.

"Unfinished business," Stacy smiled before she hugged the Doctor. "We've been through a lot. Ice Warriors, Killer Seaweed, Clones, Sontarons, Pirates."

"Weeping Angel's, Daleks, Cybermen, Adipose, Peladon," the Doctor continued. "Zygons, Voidy."

"Yes Doctor," Voidy spoke through the Tardis monitor as the team started laughing.

"Goodbye Stacy," Max now hugged her. "Like I said before, we'll miss you."

"And I'll miss you," Stacy left his embrace and approached the doors. "Same year?"

"Same year we left the Space Station," the Doctor nodded. "Bye Stacy."

"Goodbye," Stacy left the Tardis.

Outside the ship Stacy emerged and her mother stepped back in shock.

"Am I hallucinating," her mum started to cry. "I thought you died."

"No mum," Stacy laughed as she hugged her mother.

Behind her the Tardis engines sounded as it faded away.

After the hug, her mum asked. "What was that?"

Stacy looked back. "The end of an era."

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