The Waters of Licosis : Episode Six

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In the drilling room, the Commander had set up a timer for 15 minutes to know when the Flood would get through.

9 minutes had already gone by and they had made little progress.

"Commander," Stacy sighed with exhaustion as the temperature had considerably risen since they had entered. "There's no way we're going to stop the drill before the Flood enter."

"I dont know," the Commander ran over to the door to check on the Flood's progress. "They don't seem to go going very-"


A section of the door cracked, spurting water over the Commader.

"No!" Stacy yelled.

"Get back Stacy," the Commander efficiently ran to the barrier. "I dont want you to see me like that, plus fighting 4 Flood instead of 5 could be the difference between victory or loss."

"I'm so sorry Commander," Stacy backed away around the far end of the drilled hole.

"Sorry for what?" A tear fell from the Commanders eye as she started to spasm. "I did my duty."

The Commander flipped around the barrier and fell into the drill hole, soon disappearing from sight.

"I'm alone now," Stacy whimpered as she stared at the nearly broken door. "Is this the end? No. I have faith. The Doctor will save me. The Doctor will save me."


The door opened and the flood entered. The Flood Sam approached the controls and increased the speed on the drill. The speed increased so fast the drill could be seen moving on the monitor screen.

They then turned to Stacy.

"The Doctor will save me, the Doctor will save me, the Doctor will save me-"

"Yes he will," the Doctor entered the room followed by Max. "You really think it's just me and Max travelling."

Sophie joined them.

"Hey Stacy," Sophie greeted her predecessor from across the drill hole. "Wish we could meet under better circumstances."

"Right," Stacy nodded at her.

"Now Sophie," Max turned to her. "Wanna try?"

"Yeah," Sophie nodded. "Alright then." She raised her hands.

"Know your simple elements?" The Doctor smirked at the confused Flood. "Water might beat fire, but electricity beats water."

Sophie launched bolts of electricity out of her hands at the Flood who screeched in pain.

"Come on!" The Doctor yelled to Stacy. "Quick."

Stacy ran around the edge and joined the others at the other side.

"Now run," Sophie withdrew her bolts of lightning and ran with the others down the corridor.

"Where do we go now?" Stacy asked as they ran.

"You three need to return to the Tardis," the Doctor told them. "I need to self destruct all of the escape pods so that they cant go to Earth or any other planet."

"Let us do that with you," Stacy insisted as she looked behind to see if the Flood were gaining on them.

"No, go to the ship," the Doctor ordered once more. "When you are there, do not stay in the console room. Go to the pool, the gym, the library your bedroom, go anywhere except the console room. I need it. And if you hear the Tardis landing or taking off still dont go the the console room until I tell you to okay?"

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