Genesis of the Cybermen (Unfinished)

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Genesis of the Cybermen was originally intended to be the 3rd story of the 4th Season of Doctor Who Future.

It would showcase the Doctor and Max landing on Mondas to witness the creation of the Cybermen, featuring the return of the Rebel and the first appearance of Sophie.

It was cancelled and replaced by Menace Up the Mountain because Big Finish's legendary story, Spare Parts, already showcases the creation of the Cybermen.

What you are about to read is what was written of the story before it was cancelled.

Although none of these events happened anymore, I feel like we can still enjoy and appreciate the start of a good story.

Please enjoy,

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The Doctor lay beside the boating lakes of the Tardis repeatedly sighing in boredom.

Max lay down in a boat, sighing just as much as the Doctor.

They were waiting.

The sound of the engines came to a halt as the Tardis landed.

"Finally," the Doctor and Max both muttered under their breath as they got up instantly and made their way to the console room.

"Doctor!" Max balanced himself carefully on the boat. "A hand?"

"No chance," the Doctor laughed as he left down the Tardis corridor.

Max started to lose his balance. "No! No! No!"

He fell in. "Damn."

* * *

The Tardis mateirialised outside a small yellow cottage and the Doctor emerged shortly followed by a wet haired Max.

"Your t shirts on back to front," the Doctor laughed at Max.

"Urgh," Max sighed as he corrected his t shirt. "You're so mean."

"I know," the Doctor looked up in curiosity at the sky, or the ceiling above. "I've been here before."

"Where are we then?"

"That's it, I just cant remember," the Doctor bit his lip. "Its like there's some sort of barrier stopping me from remembering."

"I cant imagine all places have an overhang for a sky," Max pointed up.

"The Time Lords," the Doctor shook his head.

"What?" Max's expression changed instantly at the mention of him and the Doctor's people.

"That's the only explanation as to why I cant remember," the Doctor sighed.

"Are you sure it isnt just old age?"

The Doctor gave Max a dirty look. "Pretty sure!"

"Okay uh," Max thought to himself. "Why would they make you forget?"

"I dont know," the Doctor looked around. "Must be something bad about this place. It wouldnt be the first time the Time Lords wipe my mind, they did it with a huge chunk of my early life."

"I know my alter ego was there," Max crossed his arms.

"Come on," the Doctor walked towards the yellow cottage. "Let's see where we are."

"Doctor," Max stopped him. "If the Time Lords didnt want you remembering this place, maybe he should go back."

"By all means, you can go back," the Doctor opened the gate of the cottage. "But I'm finding out where we are."

"Gods sake," Max sighed as he ran after the Doctor.

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