Coagulus : Episode Three

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"Dont trust them so fast," Danny walked back up the stairs.

"Sorry about that," Beth pointed down a corridor. "Let me show you to your rooms."

She led them away leaving Coagulus by the gate.

"Sir," Martin ran into the room. "I hacked them out of the machine for good."

"Well done," Coagulus boomed. "We must celebrate."

"You dont understand sir, these guys are pretty much terrorists. If they dont get what they want one way, they're just gonna try another," Martin explained.

"What are you trying to say?" Coagulus asked.

"Things might be about to get worse."

* * *

Upstairs in Danny's room he got up off his bed and walked over to his bookshelf.

One of the books was attached to a string. He pulled it and the whole bookshelf slid to the left.

It revealed a hole in the wall which he walked into and picked up a communications device.

"This is Danny Major, Beliver 361. Ready to report on the next assignment."

"Danny," a voice spoke out to him. "Its time for you to sabotage."

* * *

Stacy and Max had to share a room as the Doctor slept on a sofa.

Wind wailed against the window as Max sat on the edge of his bed. "So, are you gonna tell me why the sudden change of attitude."

"Just making the most of a good adventure," Stacy spoke into her pillow.

"Right," Max nodded suspiciously. "Are you sure that's it."

Stacy sighed. "I'm leaving. This is my last adventure in the Tardis."

"Eh?" Max frowned in confusion.

"I'm tired of all this travelling, I'm ready to go home," Stacy explained.

"As long as you're sure," Max sighed. "We're gonna miss you."

"I'm going to miss you too, and I have had an incredible time on the ship. But it's my time now. Time to go home."

* * *

The Doctor sat on the windowsill in his room, looking out over the jungle when he heard a beeping from his sonic screwdriver.

He read the readings. "Unidentified radio signal." He intercepted it and heard what was going on.

"You've got to lay low," the Doctor heard a voice he didnt recognise. "You are the key to this operation Danny."

"Danny?" The Doctor remembered Coagulus's Son.

"I know," he heard Danny's voice. "I shall do what you have asked. The Believers shall be victorious."

"Ohhhhhhhhh, ohhh no," the Doctor bit his lip as he realised what was going on. "Danny's a Believer."

"Over and out," Danny said before the line went dead.

The Doctor jumped off the windowsill and began to pace. "I need to talk to Max and Stacy."

* * *

"The son?" Stacy sat on her bed hugging her pillow.

"Yeah," the Doctor winced as he nodded.

"That's not good," Max shook his head.

"No sh-" Stacy rolled her eyes as the Doctor cut her off.

"The person Danny was on the line with said Danny was to do something," the Doctor explained.

"Danny's an agent behind enemy lines and he has already accused us of being Believers," Max sighed. "If we then go and accuse him-"

"We need evidence," Stacy smiled as she nodded. "And I think I know how to get it."

* * *

"Honey?" Beth sat in front of a fancy mirror, doing her make up. "Are you sure those strangers can be trusted?"

The King turned and looked over at his wife. "I think so, why?"

"It just all seems too good to be true," Beth sighed as she leant on the desk to do her eyebrows. "Plus, Danny doesnt seem to trust them and I have always trusted his judgement."

"I guess so but-" the King walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "I trust them and dont you trust my judgement more then Danny's."

"Of course," Beth smiled at him in the reflection of the mirror. "I will trust you to the end of my life."

"I love you my dear," the King got into bed and stared out the window at the nights sky.

"I love you too."

* * *

Danny emerged from his room and looked up and down the corridor to see if anyone was around.

Once he was sure nobody was around he made his way downstairs.

Stacy then emerged from their bedroom and followed Danny down the stairs followed by the Doctor.

Once Danny was at the bottom he hastily went to the left and the others had to run to keep up with him.

After around 5 minutes of walking through the castle, Danny entered a room and shut the door behind him.

The Doctor pulled out his sonic and spoke into it like a microphone. "Max, you there."

"Yeah," Max's voice spoke out of the microphone. "This makeshift earpiece is a bit low tech and uncomfortable but it does do the job."

"Good," the Doctor once again spoke onto it. "You in position?"

"Yeah, I am," Max confirmed. "You can move in."

"Got it," the Doctor nodded to Stacy who broke the door down and walked in to see a smashed glass of a strange mineral on the floor.

"What is this stuff?" Stacy bent down to examine the stuff and the Doctor bent down with her.

"Its the stuff Danny came to take," the Doctor picked up a few grains of it. "An oppositional mineral to blow up the lake."

"And now you've revealed your plans," King Coagulus walked in behind them followed by the guards, Beth and Danny.

Stacy looked up at the roof and frowned. "Doctor, where's Max?"

"The third member of your disgusting Believer party," King Coagulus laughed. "Already been caught by the guards on the roof."

"We arent Believers," the Doctor pleaded. "We're telling the truth!"

"Guards," King Coaglus waved his arm. "Take them away."

As the guards were escorting them out of the room, Coagulus shook his head. "Y'know, for a moment I actually believed you."

"Like I said," Beth stared at them in disgust. "To good to be true."

Danny gave a smug smirk to the Doctor and Stacy as they walked out of the room.

He had won the battle.

But would he win the war...

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