Secret City of Saturn : Episode Two

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The Tardis monitor screen flashed on. "Yes Doctor?"

"Can you prepare the footwear section of the Tardis Wardrobe?" The Doctor asked.

"Of course," Voidy agreed as the Doctor left for the wardrobe.

"I'll be back with the boots in a bit," the Doctor told Max.

"Sure," Max sat down on a chair connected to the outside railing of the console plactform. "I will wait here."

* * *

"Dr Xhan," Terisa turned to another woman behind a series of technical computer desks. "Prepare the injector-"

"Stop!" Jenny burst into the middle of the ceremony and yelled. "I object."

"Jen!" Thomas Omar stood up. "Dont make this any harder! Please!"

"Dad, hes fine, he can survive," Jenny pleaded.

"No," Thomas got up to stand by her. "We both know he cant."

"Stop this!" Jenny whimpered. "Or I will stop it myself."

Thomas turned to Terisa. "Continue."

"Dr Xhan, activate the injector," Terisa ordered as the injector released a purple soul out of Archie Omar's body.

"NO!" Jenny screamed as she ran up to Dr Xhans Computor equipment and smashed it to pieces.

"Stop!" Terisa yelled as the injector turned off and the soul broke free. "Its too late, evactuate the city. We're doomed! DOOMED!"

* * *

"Got the boots," the Doctor returned to the console room, waving the boots around.

"Why'd you bring 3 pairs?" Max asked. "Stacy already said that she isnt coming with us."

"Just in case she changes her mind," the Doctor put one pair by the Tardis door and put a note next to it.

"Okay," Max nodded as he took a pair from the Doctor and put them on. "What about the lack of oxygen?"

"Dont worry about that," the Doctor disregarded Max's worry.

"But there's no breathable atmosphere?" Max was confused.

"Okay," the Doctor bit his lip. "You and Stacy have both been given Oxy implants."

"I dont remember you giving me an implant," Max was freaked out.

"You were sleeping," the Doctor scratched the back of his neck.

"You gave us implants while we were asleep!" Max exclaimed.

"You'll thank me," the Doctor smiled as he opened the door and stepped outside with his special boots.

Max followed him outside and was astonished by what he saw.


The silent tranquility of Space as the rocky ring in the sky spun around the planet.

"Let's see if we can find the city," the Doctor turned to see Max putting his hand through the gas he was standing on. "Max?"

"City?" Max popped his head up and walked beside the Doctor. "Theres a city, on Saturn?"

"There are many cities on Saturn," the Doctor looked over the surface of the planet. "All are covered in a secret field of energy, hiding them completely from sight."

"Ah," Max was intrigued. "Hold on, shouldnt we have frozen to death by now?"

"I'd say so," the Doctor laughed. "Thermo Implant."

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