Chapter 12: The Kasugai Crow

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Play this^ song in front of your parents.
Hey to everyone that reads this I love you. Are there any questions U would like to ask me? I may ignore them but chances are slim.

Third person POV

"Well... why are you here Tanjiro?" Zenitsu asked.
"If it's not too rude of me, I would like to ask you for a favour." Tanjiro meekly replied.

"What is it?" Zenitsu questioned. "Um....can you help me meet the head of the Demon Slayer Corps?" Tanjiro asked.

Astonished by the near-impossible task, Zenitsu quickly replied, "Eh? It's impossible. No one knows how the leader looks like. They just transfer the orders through the Kasugai Crows. All Demon Slayers have them. They're really smart. My 'crow' is a sparrow! A SPARROW! his name is Chuntaro and I love him. "

'Crows?' Tanjiro thought.

Tanjiro hastily looked at his surroundings with fear and worry plastered on his face. Sensing his sudden fear, Zenitsu asked "What's up?"

Tanjiro's mind flashed back to his past travels. There was always a crow nearby. Tanjiro thought it was just a weird omen. Am I just reading into this?

"Tanjiro? Hellooooo?" Zenitsu asked while waving his hand in front of his face.

A 'Kaw' was heard.

Gracefully, that crow landed on a fragile branch, very tranquil. "I see that you found out based on your reactions." That crow spoke. "My master, the head of the Demon Slayer Corps, asked me to follow you. And I see that you have not eaten a single human. You shall have the blessed opportunity to meet with him."

Tanjiro's legs veins suddenly popped and swelled in size as he leaped from the ground to the weak branch, saying, "Eh? I can? Thank you!"

Just then, Tanjiro overestimated the strength of the branch and fell down with a thud. Oof!

"However, we cant just tell you the location. Specifically two of our pillars will contact you and will carry you there. I must ask this out of courtesy, but may we blindfold you and paralyse you so you will not expose the location?" The crow spoke. (This crow is daaammn fancy.)

Tanjiro nodded his head.

"Tomorrow, meet back here when the light vanished from the surface." The crow instructed.

The crow turned to Zenitsu, "Oh and also. Our master wanted me to tell you that you will also attend the meeting."

"Since there is nothing more to inform you about, I shall depart." The crow then flew off towards the endless cover of night, camouflaging, slowly vanishing from our sights.

"Well... how will the master welcome me?" Tanjiro accidentally spoke out loud.

Without warning, Muzan's instructions and bloodlust flooded his mind, telling him to take out the leader.

Tanjiro dripped with cold sweat, gripping his head as Muzan's threatening face flooded his head, ordering Tanjiro to do the deed.

Tanjiro then collapsed onto the floor in fear, fainting. Zenitsu hurried to his side, asking him what was wrong.

A sinister smile crept up Muzan's face.

Kill them Tanjiro. Stop running from your fate as a demon. Embrace it. Kill the head of the Demon Slayer Corps.

Then, I'll give you more of my blood.

exams done. Might fail. I'm relieved.
This crow fancy as fuck

(Demon Tanjirou AU) Where are You? [DISCONTINUED]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat