A Dreadful Realisation

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As his high school life started, Shen Wei was extremely happy to be in the same class as the charismatic, charming and the most popular guy there. His name was Zhao Yunlan, a boy was very cute and manly at the same time. But the reasons he loved him were the same reasons everyone did. Yunlan had a beautiful smile, a wonderful sense of humour.

As he remembered he had unwavering patience, and nothing to dislike about him. He got along with everyone except for Shen Wei the timid and very gentle one who avoided all contact with all people. For Shen Wei, the boy was perfect, and the man of his dreams. He kept stealing glances at the boy while they are in class, he followed him secretly wherever he goes and copy what he does.

Luckily, they sat next to each other in fourth period. As they worked on their assignment, Shen Wei spoke to him for the first time.

"Ummm, hey, Shen Wei?" Yunlan asked with eyes fondling the beauty and masterpiece in front of him.

"Do you know my name?" Wei was surprised, he thought himself was just nobody.

"I know everyone in my class, especially the ones that are interested in me personally" He gave Wei a pervert wink totally getting him to fall deeper for his romantic words.

"......" The boy became muted as he only lowered his head in embarrassment not denying the fact that he was stalking Yunlan and loving him secretly.

"R-really?" Yunlan loved that shy face even more now.

"Mm.... What?" Shen Wei hummed before he looked at Yunlan and his face became even redder and prettier.

"Nothing. It's just that you are so beautiful. I mean, we sit next to each other every day, so why not as well get to know each other a little bit. We can have lunch together sometimes"

"Mmmm" The boy kept thinking, he was reticent that he gave Yunlan short and curt answers.

"Okay!" He finally accepted. Shen Wei didn't know what else to say. Clearly, they were just aquaintances, not even friends yet, so he knew it wasn't anything like a date, but that didn't stop his heart from pumping faster than usual just thinking that Yunlan suggested they know each other and invited him for lunch.

"Are you okay? You look like a blossoming red flower" Yunlan giggled enjoying the enthralled boy in front of him, like his eyes fell into a dangerous spell. He was bewitched to be this close to Shen Wei and breathing of his adorable smell. Let alone his delicate angelic face that took his heart captive.

"Stop teasing me, I am a boy. Who are you calling a red flower?" Shen Wei breathed slowly from the anticipation, his heart rated a few bpm faster. Yunlan then apologized, he split from Shen Wei and made himself way over to his friends table. The latter kept looking at him from afar, his eyes filled with longing and desperate love. Shen Wei couldn't believe they were finally becoming friends.

"If I confess, will he hate me?" He thought to himself. Yunlan meanwhile has received a pink letter, it was sure a confession from one of the girls as usual.

"Mr. Casanova, what's on that letter?" One of his mates asked feeling all excited.

"Well, it's not like I am interested. I already have someone, he was watching me for so long. It's time to make my first move" Zhao Yunlan responded without showing any hint of excitement and lowered his head wearing a satisfied smile. The letter didn't pique his interest a bit, much to his friend's disappointment.

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