Alive Again

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The soul of the man laying on the ground drawning in his blood was floating in the air. It appeared unannounced, it's feet were making no contact with the ground. Zhan Yao glanced it and was terrified to death, he wanted to be the one laying in place of Yu Tong, he wished to die not to witness anymore deaths. Darkness has now claimed Zhan Yao's world. He could see no light in this atrocious night.

"Go away, go away" He turned to look at the creepy soul of Yu Tong that was giving him a feral look. He then averted his eyes and begged for him to open his eyes, in desperation Zhan Yao kept calling for the man on the ground trying to wake him up. But a moment later, he lost it all. In a slight panic, he reached for Yu Tong's lips and kissed him, he didn't want to be apart from him. Not to grouse against the will of God either.

"My Lord I refuse, I refuse to let him go. Please give him back to me please" Zhan Yao started to sweat, tremble, his heart was beating faster. Seeing a a huge dark spectrum walking towards him then started running in an attempt to reach out to him. Time has stopped, nothing was moving not even the soul of the man he loved. His eyes were following that creepy entity to where the darkness became light.

"You have sinned twice. If you let go of that man laying in your hands. You might be forgiven. If not, we will gladly welcome you to hell" The voice didn't sound like human. It spoke in a different language then what Zhan Yao knows. Yet still he could clearly understand the sky commands. He was now facing an angel of death. It's shape was not clear yet it looked brighter than the light his eyes used to see.

All Zhan Yao wanted to do was to give up, cry for someone to save him or just let go of Yu Tong. But no-one would come at his rescue, no-one was there around him. He then realized that to get out of all of this, he had to follow the infinite passage leading into the unknown. He challenged this creature he thought was a an evil spirit.

"Let him live and you can do whatever you want with me, take me instead. I don't want to live in a world where this man is not part of it" For the first time, Zhan Yao witnessed such a terrifying incident, slowly that shadow took his own shape. He could see his reflection on that spectrum's face. A pair of almond-shaped eyes resting upon a gentle and extremely beautiful face like his. He was taken back as he didn't know what this could be.

"I am an Angel of Death, and I am here to take the man you are holding. I have no shape no face. I take the lineaments of the person dying. They had to see their true reflections before they foget to feel the pain of an agonizing death. You should be thankful for how great and merciful his Almighty" The voice murmured into Zhan Yao's head with inhuman words.

"I don't give a shit about that, just let him live." A gruff voice rang out from Zhan Yao's throat. His face was filled with anger as he stared to the creepy reflection of himself down. His grip on Yu Tong's body tightened. His voice of determination reached the above sky. Before the Angel of Death retrived his mission and bowed to the dedicated human.

"The Great Lord ordered me to give him another life to live. But before I go, let me tell you this. Don't ever try and stand in the face of death or change it. What that ugly old lady thought you, you'd better take it into consideration." An endless void of darkness has replaced the sky and clouds after what the enthralling reflection of Zhan Yao said.

"Ugly old lady,? You mean my grandmother?" Zhan Yao looked upset yet surprised.

"What you deem is a gift from the sky for someone who used to belong there. That old ugly granny represents life, she raised you to teach you how to survive among humans while you are........." The voice paused before allowing Zhan Yao to learn about what he spent his whole life trying to figure out.

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