Hurtful Meeting

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"Shen Wei! Do you remember the day you came out to me about being gay?"
A mixed feeling set in Shen Wei's heart hearing this question. He didn't know how to face his mother recalling that embarrassing day. Whether it was because of his weird confession or because of that incident when she found Yunlan's picture in his diary. Shen Wei had no idea what was more embarrassing.

"I do. I thought you would be mad at me but you were so welcoming instead. I looked too nervous that I got a nosebleed and nearly fainted" Taking a deep breath, Shen Wei raised his voice slightly and said firmly,

"Thank you mother for treating me always with kindness and standing by my side" Seeing Shen Wei now and comparing him to his old self. She didn't expect her son to have such a vulnerable heart, without Yunlan he was devastated. Shen Wei's mom couldn't stand that. She tried her best to bring his spirit back but without avail.

"it's nothing to thank me for it baby. " She told him still with the nicest smile plastered on her face. She gave Wei a light pat on the arm before she could hug his weak frame pulling him strong into her embrace seeking to comfort him. Rising his head to glance at the Mansion entrance, Shen Wei could recall his first time visiting this place with his lover. As he remembered their first dinner in the candlelight.

A flashback,

"His eyes gazed into mine, longing and pleading. I was so weak and ashamed that I turned away, not ready to see that spark of passion in the depths of them. Yunlan took advantage of us being alone in that big empty space, he took my hands and led me to the garden. I remember we walked under the moonlit sky in silence hearing each other's steps and gentle breathing" Wei was immersed in a world of his memories.

"I can use no words to ever describe the beauty of that night and its sweet delights. When we came to a halt, he turned to me, his eyes again made me shiver and couldn't stand still. With his eyes once again, he begged in silence, he begged for my touch when I finally, gave in and kissed those moisture lips and everything fell apart. Like no-one in this world could exist but us"

"I remember him slowly dragging me into his royal bedroom and taking off my clothes. This moment could wait no longer, it was bound to happen knowing how Yunlan had grew impatient after we started going out. It was inevitably, undoubtedly happening. He slowly layed me on the silky bedsheets, covering me with the warmth of his body."

"He practically jumped over me, attacking me with a hug. telling me how much he misses me, whispering sweet words letting me melt slowly in the letters of them, savoring the smell of my cologne while licking my neck. I could feel him still chuckling against my skin, as he held me tightly against him. Not a long time passed before I started moaning his name in the most intimate way while he responds each time I call him with a passionate kiss"

 Not a long time passed before I started moaning his name in the most intimate way while he responds each time I call him with a passionate kiss"

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