Tears of Agony

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Zhan Yao approached from Zhao Yunlan, his warm hand falling softly on his cold skin. He placed his hand over his chest that does not rise or fall, that contained no beating heart. His tears splashed onto his shirt and as he looked at Yunlan they rained down even more in agony. Though his heart was broken, he knew that his friend is safe with the Lord.

"I........ I am..........Sorry" Zhan Yao tried to summon enough of his voice to tell him that he was sorry to be the one to announce his death. He wanted to comfort him for not being part of this world anymore but sadly failed. All he could manage was to mouth the words and hope Yunlan noticed. He focused back on those big brown eyes, on that handsome face, practically drowning in them. He couldn't believe that this soul looked exactly like a living human.

"Can you remember how you died?" Zhan Yao asked and the perfect man seemed not to know this too as his faint smile turned sad and he nodded at Zhan Yao in disappointment, urging him to finally help him remember. It was then that he recalled the words of the old granny she took care of him once said.

"Remember this young boy, not all of them are harmless and not all of them are aware they are dead. Do never tell a dead soul that she is dead. It can become dangerous and haunt you down, don't interact with them, don't meddle into their business. Just ignore them if you don't want to be put into much trouble"

Suddenly the penetrating freeze pierced Zhan Yao's skin. Most of his body was already numb to the sensation, the rustling wind had opened Yunlan's coat and his abdomen was suddenly exposed. With a groan that broke the chafed skin of his lips, Zhan Yao could see the place where he was shot by a bullet gun. It was bleeding slowly. That's why he couldn't notice it before.

Yunlan cursed under his breath and looked around him, trying to find anything recognizable. His thick pants felt so cold that standing up in them is a feat of both balance and might, yet he managed in the end to take a couple of weak steps before they became a steady paces. His mind was fighting to keep the thought of his death beyond the rhythm of his breathing and his walking away, fearful of confusing and unwanted thoughts.

"I remember nothing but the love I hold for my boyfriend, I don't even remember how we split? And how is he living with another man?" Yunlan couldn't afford to drive away those dangerous ideas from his brain. He seemed more bothered by Shen Wei's new relationship than the realisation of his own death.

"Shit! Shit!" Yunlan musesed over as he loudly cursed once more, the lights went off again at his expressed anger. Zhan Yao was terrified before he was asked in a low weak voice for help. Yunlan wanted to remember but he is no longer part of this world, he can only rely on Zhan Yao to help him find how he died and what happened to his relationship with Shen Wei.

"Help me please, I bet all souls wants your help or else why would they show up at your place every time feeling big depression." Came the sudden request.

"Maybe!" Zhan Yao answered with a hesitant voice.

"The first thing you need to do is search for Shen Wei, my lover. He will tell you exactly what happened. Second is you need to approach him and make him believe you" Zhao Yunlan started to get excited suddenly for the thought of meeting Shen Wei forgetting that he was dead and his man won't ever see him or hear him out.

"You must have something unfinished with that man, I will help you Zhao Yunlan. I will sure do" When Yunlan heard this, the look of satisfaction on his face immediately transformed into a mixed expression of hapinesse and irritation. He stared closely at Zhan Yao's face, and knew that he wasn't just kidding. And that he truly is gonna help him. He bowed and thanked him wearing a bright smile.

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