Sinners Prayer

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"They said that the greatest sovereign of all times died miserably, lonely on his deathbed with only his doctors around him grieving for being of no help. How stark life is when only his doctors and no-one else carried his coffin at the burial. He made his servants scatter on the big road from his castle to the cemetery, all pieces of gold, silver and precious stones that belonged to him...."

"My Lord! Why was I created? And what's the reason behind all this?" The devine beauty leaned down and kissed the hands of his almighty before he joined them to his chest.
Then he said again,

"Would you please tell me, my Lord, what is the significance of taking the souls of others and feel this terrible pain that tears my heart every time" Death took a deep breath and asked in a weak voice full of respect to his own creator.

"I want to give the world and all creatures a lesson that only I know. People must know that death if it appeares It cannot be postponed or stopped, even the doctors whom they rush to if any harm befalls them, and that health and age are a wealth that no human being can grant to another. It is my uttermost gift to my beloved mankind"

"After death people will come back to me as they were born, empty handed. They won't be able to take with them even the gold crumbs they've been collecting their whole life. As they entered this world, They will come out of it with nothing but their deeds. I can only accept their prayers before death enters their bodies, after that no prayers of sinners are accepted and I can grant no remission"

"You are Death very nobel and merciful creation. For some of them you are a great relief but for others, you are an agonizing and a sudden nightmare. You! My most celestial beauty, do not acquire the enormity of the feeling of your awe except in the context of the relationship with the other. You are born to live inside all beings in this universe. For sinners you're their punishment, alerting them to a major mistake they committed against themselves. But for good people you become an escape from pain, their refuge and eternal rest."

The empyreal words did not cause the heart of death to submit to orders, but rather to strike and throw the black apple on the ground, refusing to leave the dead body. The pain that narrowed his chest and wounded his heart disappeared within the smile of a loving God. Death could only have taken hold of her only wish before the doomsday. He left his throne on the land of death, leaving behind him trees that had ripened and ready for harvesting. 

"I will let you be what I call the smartest of all creatures, be a human being and encounter all feelings and hardships. The day you seek death to rest from this burden you won't be answered. Until I decide when you come back to me, you will be reborn with the curse of seeing your own reflection everywhere" The Great Deity said in his most polite way. His response was a pillow soaring past the bright lights and plumping softly upon Zhan Yao's dark thoughts.

"Be what you wanna be hopefully without regrets" Were the last words to hear before his eyes opened wide and he lifted his head from Yu Tong's chest and cried.

"Be what you wanna be hopefully without regrets" Were the last words to hear before his eyes opened wide and he lifted his head from Yu Tong's chest and cried

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