River of Oblivion

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Zhan Yao was quiet and absentminded. He was exhausted. Being so close to death again had filled his insides with an emptiness that he hadn't felt in a while. The man frowned unable to contain his tears. He was tired of thinking about it. Another death occurred and sure the reason was his lover. The one with the dangerous curse of killing non stop for his own good. The two men were standing at the cemetery's gate.

"There was a piercing gun shot, my father's attorney was falling to the ground. He was drowning in a pool of his own blood, my eyes widened in fear. My heart was accelerating by each moment that passed. I was ready to die but that woman got shocked and fainted after she saw that she missed her target. My stepmother made me and my brothers witness a horrifying incident that non of us would ever forgive her for" Yu Tong sighed deep before he walked first to the grave of the man who recently died.

"Zhan Yao! Do you think I hold a demon curse?" He asked calmly with curiosity laced underneath it.

You Tong looked devastated as tears began to run down his handsome face. Zhan Yao didn't hesitate but hugged him tightly making him feel that he was really there to care about what he was going through in his personal life and daily struggle. To live in a world where you are alone with no family or relatives next to you is terrifying. At the end of the day, all you have is yourself.

"I'm sorry...." Yu Tong felt responsible for all of the deaths that took his surroundings. Yao held him tightly burying his head into his chest.

"No need to apologize, I'll be there to protect you. Day and night my dear Yu Tong... Please let me bear your burden with you." Zhan Yao looked at his face, he blushed slightly at his reaction wanting to kiss him right away, he knew he had to control himself especially in front of the so many graves around them. He kept looking at him with a bright smile. All Yu Tong could do is nod at Zhan Yao who held his hand and walked side to side with him.

"We can stop this right?" Said Yu Tong with a bitter tone.

"I promise you we will" Zhan Yao declared dramatically and then sunk into depression. He only said that to console him, no more. He knows no way to stop this serial deaths of people involved with him, not the slightest idea on how to solve this creepy mystery.

"Zhan Yao? Since we are here, can you see dead people?" By that question Zhan Yao snapped back to reality and realized a minor ache had developed in his heart from hearing that scary question. He was cluless on how Yu Tong would take the answer to his question.

"It had been a month since you said you would tell me your secret." Zhan Yao mentally scolded himself for thinking such spiteful thoughts that his man would consider him a sick person or even distance himself from him. People so far accused him with the worst titles ever. Yet Yu Tong was different, he knew their love was much stronger than the storm of emotions breaking inside his heart.

"Okay! Listen carefully. Since I was born, I was followed by ghosts everywhere. I could see them and even talk to them, they ask me to do things for them, things they died before accomplishing. Like your mother" Zhan Yao took a deep breath before he carried with his statement.

"She said to me that you visited her grave twice a year both on her birthday and the day she died" Yu Tong looked at Zhan Yao, one eyebrow raised. He was speechless. He never told anyone that he visited his mother's grave that often. That was his own secret which he shared with no-one.

"The look on your face scares me." Zhan Yao said curtly, and watched a frown form on Yu Tong's face, replacing his usual scowl.

"You say a lot of things. Scary and unbelievable, how do you want me to look at you" He replied, fighting his desperate need to find out more. He crossed his arms against his chest in a determined poise.

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