my wrists hurt

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thursday midnight

it's been about a few days since that random number texted you. of course, you didn't really expect the stranger to text you that often, i mean, he is a stranger. the boy had no reason to. though, you were curious about the situation. it wasn't everyday when you would get random texts from a school mate like that.

laying on your bed, stars shining bright through the window. it was midnight, with nothing to do. you were awake, staring at the ceiling. your thoughts wandered to the messages and thought about if he would text you tonight. the stranger was a fan of late night texting.

but you couldn't seem to shake off what your best friend said at school days prior. komori's words lingered in your mind.

"you have an admirer."

"that's so odd," you said to yourself, "impossible. it's probably just a weirdo who's just messing with me through text," you concluded, not wanting to think of the admirer topic any further.

admirer? why you out of all people? your thoughts were suddenly interrupted with a notification sound coming from your phone. your head turned to face it and your eyes widened to the sight of a text message. a text message coming from the stranger, omi.


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heyyy i hope you're awake

i was kinda bored

yes i am awake lol

sorry i haven't
texted you in a few days

i was busy with stuff

and maybe i was too
scared to text you LMAO

oh, how come?

well, i've been busy with sports

one of my friends saw that you
were lookin a lil depressed



he said you were feeling
down with the whole failing thing

i'm sorry that you
failed your test, y/n

i'm sure you'll do
better in the next one :]

don't overwork yourself, too

wtff that was so sweet :(

thanks omi-kun

or should i call you omi-san?

omi-kun is fine

my annoying best friend
calls me omiomi-kun

if that's what you'd rather call me

admiration . sakusa kiyoomi! ✓Where stories live. Discover now