They meet everyone

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When they get to the living room they see Alex kouvr Micheal and Mia. Mia was chasing Micheal around screaming at him
Mia: Micheal get here now!
Noah laughed at them but Dixie quickly picked up Asher as he was shaking because of the screaming and Mia chasing Micheal.
D: shhh it's ok baby there just playing.
All Dixie can here was ash sniffing and she felt him shaking rapidly being so scared. Noah quickly stopped everyone from talking and Mia from running after Micheal.
N: guys stop we have someone for you to meat.
They all look up and see a boy, the boy actually being comforted by Dixie.
Kouvr: aw he's shy.
D: kouvr not just that he scared because Mia was chasing Micheal and screaming scaring him.
Mia: oh sorry
N: ash come here dude. Noah rubbed his back implying for him to go to him Asher slowly looked up and saw them he quickly turned to Noah. Noah picked him.
Asher: say hi to everyone
Noah put Asher on the floor and crouched right next to him.
Kouvr & Mia: aw he is so handsome.
When they said that Asher grinned a bit by hugged Noah trying to not show it.
N: haha ash
Noah pulled asher from himself
D: say hi Asher
A: h..hi
Mia and kouvr: aww
Alex: hey Asher
Micheal: hi ash you ok
A: y...yeah.
D: go give them a hug baby
Asher nervously hugged them all then walked back to Dixie and Noah.
N: right bye guys we gotta see everyone else now
Dixie held Ashers hand and walked a bit more early than Noah so Noah wasn't right to them. When they all got outside Dixie smiled and said hey to everyone. Everyone looked her way intimidating Asher making him slowly walk backwards. He let go of Dixies hand and wanted to run but he bumped into Noah. Noah picked him up N: hey baby it's ok there not scary it's just more of them. They all introduced each other's drinks Asher was scared but he started feeling better. Then because they met everyone they went to make breakfast. Dixie just made something small for them all and of course for Asher he had only a apple half an egg and one peace of half a bacon.
Once they finished Dixie took Asher to the couch so he can let his food go down while they watch power rangers.
One 2 hours passed and Asher was trying to do the fighting skills in power rangers making everyone aww as they were just in the other room.
Addison: he is very cute.
D: he is
Charlie: why don't all of us girls go take him shopping.
D: I don't know why don't we just take him cuz I want him to settle in here instead of being outside where there's lots of people.
Nikita: ok well let's just go us girls. Dixie told Noah to watch Asher when she leaves
D: babe I'm going shopping to ye Asher things like bathers arm bands toys and stuff like that.
N: ok babe have fun have food there ok.
D: ok babe bye
N: bye
She kisses him and Noah kisses back.
After they were done Dixie went to Asher with Noah walking behind her
D: baby I'm going shopping for bathers and toys for you ok stay with your dad
Dixie raised her eye brows realising ok what she said. Noah smiled liking that if Asher were to call him that.
A: ok momma
Dixie smiles and hugs Asher. She turns him around to see Noah. Noah smiles to her, then she put Asher down so he could go back to watching power rangers. Dixie left with the girls then.
After 20mins went by Noah neared Asher scream.
A: daddy!!
Noah got up and sprinted to Asher. When he got there he saw Asher crying.
N: what's wrong baby
A: s..s....s
But he could even speak he was crying that much.
N: ok shhh come here Noah picked up Asher and swayed side to side trying to calm him down.
N: ok what's wrong baby
A: s..scr..apper
Was all Asher could say
He's probably in the kitchen where you left him last.
Noah turned around to walk to the kitchen seeing the all the boys were there watching and awing at how protective Noah is. Noah just smiled to them and walked to the kitchen. And there scrapper was on the counter.
N: see Asher I told you he was here.
A: oh my gosh scrapper
He hugged scrapper. And later back onto Noah's shoulder. Noah went back to the boys
Andreas: aw your so cute Noah.
N: thanks
Enjoys 😘🔥

Adopted by Noah and Dixie Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora