Prolouge 'How It Began'

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       Venus spread her wings to the warm sunny morning, the tree she was on was pretty stable but occasionally it would rock to the sides, the sun glistening off the steady treetops.

      She looked around at the other LeafWing "how is your day?" She asked "oh fine.." he rumbled Venus laughed "okay then well ill be going for a fly.."

        She nodded to the other LeafWing before gliding down to the next tree. Eventually she made to the hive side and began to hear calls of almost Queen Wasp & Princess Sequoia arguing "YOU CAN'T TAKE OVER MY TRIBE WASP!" Sequoia roared in fury. Queen Wasp snapped "so you want a fight?" She muttered weakly just enough so Venus could hear, Sequoia lashed her tail with a deep snarl. Queen Wasp shoved her tail in Princess Sequoia's way but she dodged and attacked wasp.

      With a painful scream Wasp was suddenly left with a large scratch on her face, the Queens deep black hollows under her eyes were terrifying to look at but Sequoia looked as if she had seen it nearly 1,000 times and it was just another boring patch of scales. Wasp snarled and attacked again, Princess Sequoia let out a shreik and blood stained her dark green scales.

     Her ear... was gone... "Well then ill force you to!" Wasp snarled cruely. Princess Sequoia looked as if she was a dragonet saying 'im going to demolish all the trees and you cant stop me' Princess Sequoia snarled "how?" But with a forcefull beat of her wings Wasp had already vanished.

                         ..                    ..                 ..

       A few weeks later there was a few new roars of horror or crying, Venus shoved up immediately gliding through the rough branches that were oddly burned or torn, but Venus saw something so terrifying that she felt like she might die, a tree was cut down...

                         ..                    ..                 ..

       Venus snarled looking at the dragon and her two dragonets looking at the burning tree, "who did this!" Venus hissed leaping onto a place where the tree hadn't spread fire to cut the vines holding it together, so the dragonets could get to diffrent places without flying through a fury of branches and canopys was what the vines were for, she guessed.

     Her home was draped with dusty pearl white flowers and vine weavings of leaves and trees and carved platforms sat on the edges covered in beautiful flowering vines that were know all scorched and black, one was orange-red which she realized it was on fire!

     Then there was another crash, A small HiveWing was shoving a branch out of the way below her using a flamesilk strand to dig into the rough surface of the bark pure white eyes "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!" Princess Sequoia snapped, "Kill The Trees..." a Wasp like voice ordered through another HiveWings voice next to Venus, Venus snarled and lunged at the HiveWing.

    The HiveWing roared in rage biting Venuses head, Venus nearly screamed but the HiveWing was already closing her jaw with her teeth, Venus clawed at her and suddenly felt a striking ache in her head and whole body. She jabbed her sloppy talons into its back causing it to let go.

     Her mind went woozy for a moment nearly falling into complete darkness, the HiveWing was already gone apparently working with- SilkWings? A strange firey strand leaking for their wrists, the HiveWing clasped it in her talons her eyes becoming less pearly white.

     The HiveWings talons were already becoming pure black but it threw the weird stuff on non other than her own home... Venus wheezed the aching headache got worse and worse, she winced slowing down but she still spread her weak wings, her dragonet is counting on her, she leaped upwards lightly her whole world was already blurry.

       What was happening to her? What did that HiveWing do? Venus was suddenly at her home and she limped towards her egg "oh i promise you'll never be put in danger again..." she whispered through the smoke and flames, realizing her egg was suspiciously black... had it been scorched already?

       She searched through the clouded area flapping her wings, her mind was already blurring away and the smoke made her eyes water.  She leaped up gliding farther to another jungle.

      After days and days of flying she reached a new home, her egg was nearly heatched now, she spread her wings outwards towards the new jungle, but this one was dark and deep, the calls of odd animals surrounded her ears, she realized there were giant plants.. Venus Dragontraps she guessed smiling.

     This was her new home she guessed ducking into a strong canopy of trees where she placed her egg down and after weaving some large leaves and branches, strong enough to hold her and one other LeafWing she hoped smiling at her egg..

    She curled her tail around it the leaves needed to be woven but all she wanted to do was sleep, she rubbed her strained eyes and wheezed

      "ill name you Paradise..." Venus smiled...

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