Chapter 13 'Forever Flight'

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Paradise rolled onto her back, dreaming. She was flying with SnowStorm over a beautiful jungle, that switched to death screaming in pain, Paradise was horrified herself and her in the dream.

She saw herself dive down into the fire SnowStorm screamed, "PARADISE!!!" Beetle trailed behind her. Her POV switched to another scene, now they were back in the Poision Jungle. To her dreaming it felt perfectly normal to completely dive into a new place..

She saw Beetle getting eaten by a Sundew and Paradise screamed, but then she turned her head slipping into a new place that was filled with dark black and green figures "aha!" Another LeafWing roared.

And suddenly smoke covered her eyes and Paradise shot up, awake she realized suddenly. She turned to the left, then the right, she stood up on her back talons to see the view but fell over while doing so.

Small bursts of sunlight hinted Beetle's yellow scales and caught her attention. She turned her head remembering where she was, she gazed at SnowStorm staying oddly quiet, then she began looking for any ways to get back out, Paradise inhaled.

'This is fine... this is so fine... I need somebody awake.. Im starving. Im hungry, I'm thirsty, I can't get out-' her mind froze her scales felt like shiny blue butterfly wings and the walls were giant Tetse flies coming to eat her slowly.

She winced backing up and bumping into Beetle. Beetle moved sideways "huuuuuhh.." he said pulling Paradise out of her fearful trance, she jumped over to Beetle "your okay!" She said hugging Beetle, it felt so weird... Cause he was a HiveWing not a LeafWing.

She walked over to SnowStorm "wake up!" She said in a very loud unsettlingly bubbly voice. SnowStorm yelped "HUH!" He said tensing up and standing to his feet. His talons were curled up and he had his mouth opened freezing cold air was already everywhere.

SnowStorm yelped snapping his mouth closed, small icicles burst from his mouth and freezing cold steam rose from his nostrils. Paradise yelped a small icicle stabbing into her talon.

She looked at her talon pulling the melting icicle that was etched between her scales out. There was no blood to her relief, but it was painful. She wheezed "what did you just-" Paradise started.

"Its called Frost-Breath.." SnowStorm said rolling his eyes "Frost-Breath?" Paradise echoed in a more confused tone. Paradise pointed her right talon to the sky "how do we get out?" She asked SnowStorm.

SnowStorm wheezed, "im.. not sure.." he said spreading his wings, which folded back at him because the walls were so crammed- 'were gonna get out were gonna get out I know we are I do' but Paradise got less sure.

She felt like the walls were caving in and one day they would all die of- Beetle shot up destroying her horror, he suddenly smacked into the crevice on the top and fell downwards.

Beetle smacked against the floor with a thump, his scales were dusty now.. "That-" "was not a good idea.." SnowStorm finished for Beetle. He held his head in pain "how did I even get down here in the first place?"

"Im supposed to be-" but Beetle was cut off, "don't say dead! I would never let you dis!" Paradise roared and Beetle shot her a "I thought you hated HiveWings" glance which made her hate him a little.

She held her pouches looking inside, she had grabbed about 21! She realized, but they were all secured and closed and blended in very well. Paradise looked at the sky and then back into her pouch.

The seeds! She realized digging into her pouch in worry, but the seeds sat in place. Perfectly fine... Paradise inhaled looking back into her pouch "nothing.." she said in disappointment.

Paradise gazed at the sky and suddenly began to shoot through, her wings were spread sideways so she could- SMASH! She slammed into the crevice but hooked a talon weakly onto the stone "oh please don't give up!" Beetle roared to her.

Paradise dug her talons into the grass pulling herself out, her breathing intensified. She slipped up falling to the floor, her wings hurt more than ever now, she turned to Beetle who was calling to her.

"Ill think!" She roared back 'vines vines vines VINES!' Her mind ordered, she gazed into her pouch. A VINE! She yanked it out of her pouch and began to thicken it with other heavy vines, she slid the vine down and called "DON'T HOLD ONTO IT!"

Beetle nodded and Paradise slipped the vine deeper, she looked for something to hold it onto, SnowStorm inhaled "whos heavier?" She asked and Beetle exchanged glances with SnowStorm.

"Me!" Beetle said breaking the silence "im 14!" "Im 13-" SnowStorm gazed at Beetle "YOUR OLDER THAN ME!" He yelped as Beetle said "YOUR YOUNGER THAN ME?!" They both looked at Paradise "SnowStorm go first.." Beetle sighed.

Paradise inhaled, she was about 15-16 so clearly SnowStorm was much younger than her, SnowStorm began to climb up, to Paradise's surprise he was very light. She yanked him up with her other talon.

"Beetle its your turn!" She called to Beetle, while pulling him up SnowStorm and Paradise exchanged glances. And finally Beetle was up, "we go!" SnowStorm roared with Paradise and Beetle trailing behind. The sun reached its peak revealing a vast desert.

"We stop here.. at Possibility.."

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