Chapter 12 'They're Always Right'

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Paradise looked at SnowStorm "Why-" she snapped her mouth shut, then looked at SnowStorm and Beetle. 'Could I risk showing them my power..' her mind asked herself. "What Paradise?" SnowStorm asked Paradise, but she dove down.

SnowStorm screamed flying at her, but it was to late for him a large arrow shot straight at SnowStorm, Beetle screamed shooting infront of him like he was avoiding a Venus Dragontrap, the arrow impaled Beetle instead.

Paradise screamed gliding and then shooting down twoards Beetle, he had fainted out of shock and SnowStorm was with her bolting down to save him. Beetle was completely knocked out, the large arrow was still in his arm, she shoved her wings closer and suddenly she was holding onto him.

Paradise smiled shooting her wings outward, and suddenly she floated down onto cold grass, Paradise sighed in relief pulling out the arrow and holding his wound so it did'nt bleed, she reached into her pouch with her other talon.

And pulled out a small leaf, she slid the leaf around Beetles arm and chewed up another plant, she wiped the icky plant around and it looked like Beetles face got calmer and less pain filled, she hugged Beetle "your gonna make it.." she wheezed.

Beetle did'nt move Paradise sighed, SnowStorm put his wing over her and Beetle and Paradise nudged Beetle again. "You can't die Beetle.. I wont let you.." Paradise looked at SnowStorm, 'this is your fault Paradise..' her mind said to her.

Paradise looked at Beetle and then back at SnowStorm "theres nothing I could of done.." Paradise said to SnowStorm and he smiled "its okay.." he said, Paradise looked at Beetle "we need to hide him.." Paradise said to SnowStorm and he nodded.

Paradise lifted Beetle's head and chest while SnowStorm lifted his back, Paradise looked for a safe spot to hide and suddenly saw a small cavern, if she could fit Beetle through there it might be a good hiding spot.

Paradise inhaled "that way.." she said pointing to the cavern with her muzzle, and then they started walking. Beetle was heavier than she thought and with all the rocks she slipped over it was worse.

Then Paradise got Beetle to the cavern, she slid him through and he was surprisingly skinny and the only problem was his tail stinger, which nearly impaled SnowStorm five times.

Paradise slipped Beetle's tail in finnaly, then squeezed in. The cave was slightly big but they had to squeeze together, which was awkward for Paradise. SnowStorm blinked at Paradise.

Beetle spread his 4 wings over SnowStorm and he looked at them like they were eating him alive (like a Venus DragonTrap) SnowStorm snorted laying down, while Paradise decided ro explore the cavern.

She easily slipped around and saw a bigger cave, she craned her neck behind her and told SnowStorm about the much larger cave, SnowStorm let out a sigh of relief and brought Beetle to the larger cave.

Paradise sat Beetle down comfortably, then gazed at SnowStorm. She slipped into a cave to sleep and eyed Beetle one last time. Then at SnowStorm Paradise sighed falling asleep, at last..

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