Chapter 2

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Sylvia felt like was about to pass out by the time she reached THE BOOK AND CLUB. Wander was thankfully still asleep and the sun was rising over the horizon and the light started to shine on the building. The building reminded her of a castle. It was pink, not the shade of pink that matched Sylvia's hair, but it was pink. The sound of gears turning came from way above. Sylvia looked up to see a bird come out of a wooden door in the middle of a gigantic clock. 9:22 A.M could be seen under the clock on a screen that reminded Sylvia of a alarm clock screen. 
"Work time!" 
"Time for work!" 
Sylvia was bumped into by three other people. She held on tightly to the baby and she glared at the people who had bumped into her. The gigantic doors opened and Sylvia took it as a chance to run in before they closed.
"Good morning!" 
Sylvia jumped at the voice that still echoed in the room. She looked past the three men to see a woman. She had chestnut frizzy hair that hung awkwardly over a anguished face. Her bulging grey eyes watched as the three men walked off to do their duties. And those same grey eyes settled on Sylvia and the infant that rested in her arms. 
"Good morning, what can I do for you?" The lady asked. "And your son." 
Sylvia looked up at the baby who was now awake and cooing away. "Son? No, no, he's my little brother." 
The older woman smiled. "What's his name?" 
"Wander, his name is Wander." Sylvia quickly answered.
The older woman still had her smile. "A nice name for a little boy."
The woman walked over to a desk and took out a book. She opened it and showed it to Sylvia. Moving Wander to just being held in her left arm, she signed under some guy named Evan with the date of August 1st next to his sloppy handwriting. With the woman keeping her smile, she closed the book. 
"I hope you have a wonderful stay at The Book And Club!" 
Wander....oh dear grop, what was I thinking?! Sylvia woke up after a good ten hour of sleep. Wander was in a crib that the owner, who she soon found out her name to be Keina Ander, set up for the infant. The baby boy giggled as he watched as Sylvia stare at him. Who in fucking hell names a human baby boy Wander? Sylvia scolded herself even more. 
Sylvia sat up right then and there after Wander said that. Did he see me write my name? Sylvia smacked herself. Babies can't read you idiot! Not until they turn five! Sylvia pulled the blanket off and walked over to the crib. Sylvia pushed her bangs back and picked Wander up. 
"Sylvia! Sylvia! Sylvia!" Wander chanted.
Smart baby, my last name might give ya some trouble, but you could probably pronounce it by the time your two. Well, if you're still with me by the time you're two. Sylvia thought. The boy started to play and twirl the long hair that belonged to Sylvia. 
"Sylvia!" Wander said her name once again. Sylvia smiled and bumped their foreheads together. 
"Yeah Wander, I'm Sylvia." Sylvia sat back down on her bed. "And you're Wander, and you're going to be staying with me for a while until we find your mama and papa, okay?" 
Wander nodded his head in response. "K, Sylvia!"

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