Chapter 10

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"Come on Wander, go play."

Wander crawled since he couldn't walk yet. He crawled over to the playground and watched as the other children play. These children were bigger, no gigantic to Wander. He watched as a few girls chase a boy around, and he saw and heard a boy counting for some reason. Wander crawled over to where a bunch of girls was sitting and talking.

"Oh my gosh! Claudia! Claudia! A baby! There's a baby!" A girl with white curly hair that was neatly coiffured to show her violet eyes shouted.

The girl named Claudia, who looked just like the girl who was calling her name but much older, opened her own violet eyes and gave a glance to the male infant. Claudia waved and returned to relaxing against the wooden rails. The younger girl pouted and returned her attention to Wander. The baby crawled up the two steps and made his way to Claudia. Climbing into Claudia's lap just like he would to Sylvia, Wander watched as Claudia reopen her eyes and looked down at him.

"Hey, kiddo," Claudia said to the baby.

"Hello!" Wander cheerfully greeted Claudia.

"Wander?" Wander heard Sylvia call his name.

All the girls except Claudia moved out of the way as Sylvia made her way over. Sylvia reached down and picked Wander up. The boy giggled as he felt Sylvia place a kiss on his right cheek.

"You're his mom?" Claudia asked.

"Big sister." Sylvia corrected.

Sylvia started to walk away and she noticed as the farther they walked away from the park how upset Wander was. She kissed Wander's cheek again, but he didn't smile this time. He glared at his older adoptive sibling.

"Sorry baby didn't realize how close it was to nap time." Sylvia apologized.

"No nappy! Not tired!" Wander angrily protested.

"Yes nap time, sissy's tired and she needs some nap time of her own." Sylvia sternly told the child in response.

Wander crossed his arms. "Fine, we have a nappy time."

Sylvia smiled. "Thanks, little bro."


Two hours later...


Naptime ended up being only two hours long. Wander had woken up after declaring loudly that naptime was done. That didn't help at all with Sylvia's four hours of sleep. She carried the young child instead of having him in the baby carrier. It was now 1:00 P.M. and by now, Sylvia's stomach was growling loudly, so was Wander's.

"Hungry." Wander whined. "Hungry."

"I know, buddy, I know, I am too." Sylvia agreed with him.

"Sylvia look! Look, big sis!" Wander shouted at least three minutes later.

Sylvia looked and saw two a table. And on that table, there was a plate of cookies. Sylvia looked around and found nobody standing at the table. Clearly, this was a cookie sell, it would make sense for somebody to be there to make sure people paid. FREE COOKIES is what was written on a yellow poster that two ends of it were taped to the table while the rest reached the ground.

"Cookies!" Wander shouted.

Sylvia grabbed six cookies off the plate leaving 12 behind. Sylvia handed one to Wander and she held the rest and took a bite out of one. Not really good. Sylvia thought after chewing the piece of the cookie up. She swallowed and looked at Wander for what he thought.

"Yummy!" Wander told the adult. does he like this kind of cookie? It's not chocolate chip...its... Sylvia shook her head, she shouldn't care about that right now, she got something for her and Wander to eat. Not something that would give either of them a lot of energy, but still.

"Can we go home now?" Wander asked after he finished his cookie. Sylvia nodded, she had nearly forgotten her plans to return to their home before dark as she had planned earlier that day.

"Sure buddy, we'll go home."

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