Chapter 1

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Taeyong could feel Ten's eyes on him as he entered their shared apartment, throwing his bag on the couch. "Bad day?"

"It was a dud." Taeyong told him. "The guy had some Halloween decorations in a jar, that's it."

Taeyong had dedicated his life to searching for the eyes of his family, the ones that were brutally killed when Ten and him were mere children, but he had yet to get some results.

The list of tasks included endless searching on black market sites, meeting some weird people, visiting bizzare stores, just to name a few. Taeyong often came home exhausted and defeated, and today was no different.

Ten let out a deep sigh. "Maybe you should stop looking."

Taeyong immediately shot his cousin a look. "Never."

Ten ran his fingers through his hair, Taeyong's stress clearly rubbing off on him. "You've been searching for so many years and the money we have from our family and selling the mansion isn't going to last forever."

Taeyong didn't want to admit it, but Ten had a point. He knew that his crappy part-time jobs wouldn't be able to sustain a life like this and Ten was probably having a hard enough time with his own job.

"I'll submit some job applications to those restaurants that are hiring tomorrow." Taeyong said, referring to the flyer on the table.

Ten nodded his head. "Good. Now what type of ramen do you want tonight, mild or spicy?"

Taeyong chuckled at the question as he grabbed his bag. "Neither, get out of the kitchen. I'll cook for tonight."

"What why?" Ten said, the cupboard full of ramen already opened.

"Because I value my taste buds and I don't want this place burning down just yet." Taeyong told him.

Ten let out a small chuckle. "Alright, whatever you say."

After the heart-filling dinner that Taeyong had cooked, the two males had cleaned up and soon, Taeyong was in his own room, preparing for the night.

"Hm." Taeyong said as he opened up the mini fridge in his room. He smiled to himself as he decided on drinking chocolate milk for the night.

As he sat at his desk, turning his laptop on, he poked his straw into the small carton of milk. In the corner was a family picture, one of him with his parents and older sister.

Once his laptop was ready to go, he followed his usual routine of browsing through websites and markets, hoping to see "blue eyes" somewhere.

About to give up, Taeyong decided to check his email, the one he had used to subscribe to a bunch of weird sites in hopes that one of them will bring him what he needed.

"Hm, what's this?" Taeyong said to himself as he opened one up. The subject line read, Neo City Auction.

Taeyong's eyes widened as he saw the contents of the email. This city ran auctions all year round, but the interesting part was that this email was an ad for a black market auction.

Taeyong immediately opened a new window, finding as much information about Neo City as he possibly could.


Yena was bored out of her mind. She had nothing to do.

She stared at her closet which was filled with black hoodies, wondering if she should reorganize it. Then she remembered that she did that two days ago. "Ugh, this sucks."

Suddenly, her phone rang and she immediately groaned as she saw the caller ID.


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