Chapter III : Was the Happy Prince Really Happy?

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Belhonor is unlike other schools. Maybe only exists in books where they all will face the most hondrous tragedy in the middle, suffered through for 4-6 series of books before they finally find their happily ever after.

Love, Levi and Nikolas finally enter the school ground. The sky's the color of pastel blue with warm orange clouds, looking like dusk instead of dawn. If anyone look closely, they will see a soft colored line across the sky that resembles Saturn's ring.

Exhaustion washes over Love when they approach the front of the school where the clock tower is visible and there's a statue of a handsome Prince in the middle of an empty fountain. He is holding his weight to the side where the tip of his sword touches the ground. A bird sits on his shoulder with its head turns to the prince.

"The Happy Prince," Love sits by the fountain, reading the description plaque carefully. "From King Petrov of Veleno. Wow, impressive. Who is he, again?"

Levi sits down next to her, "a ridiculously scary man despite his flamboyant look and soft taste. You know, he built amphitheatre for like 10 years or something and now is using it for gladiator fights."

"Oh, no," Love gapes, "sounds fun. Are we going to have some sort of school trip to Veleno? Seems like a dangerous place to live in."

"It is. Nik's been there before, isn't he?" They both turn to Nikolas who's reading a book.

"Hmm?" He looks up, and realizes he's been zoning out, "I've been to Veleno. Why?"

Love smiles, before darting her gaze toward the plaque again. "No reason, you can go back to whatever-" Love squints to read the book title in his hand, "Encountering a Demon? What the- are you okay? ... are you somehow possessed?"

"Yeah." Levi raises her brows in confusion, "is it for the Demonology class? You're finally taking it?"

"I kind of have to. It's part of the General Studies."

"Holy shit, I knew it. I saw juniors were practicing some spells in the back, and it's really complicated. They even brought jars to trap unwanted shadows, and removed hexes from stick figures."

"Sounds like you're going to ace it just fine, Miss Straight-As." Love teases, nudging her side.

"Hey, I'm not as magical as you. You can see through glamours."

"You're stronger," Love yawns onto her arm, "I saw your badges, certificates, all that golden girl crap you keep achieving which I'm still happy for you, by the way. Oh, my god! You two are practically the same people!"

Levi rolls her eyes, "Love, just get your shit together. Come, I'll get you to the dormitory building."

"You better. Can I leave now? I need to prepare for the orientation tomorrow. Dean Laveau made me arrange all these post-Summer events before classes start."

"Who are you, the Student Body President?" Love chuckles teasingly.

"Yes, I am."

"Oh," she wides her eyes, "then go! Do whatever you need to do, Capt'n!"

Nikolas shakes his head before looking at her for a few seconds longingly. He, then, closes his book, "don't have to tell me twice. See you around, twins."

The school ground isn't as empty as they expected it to be. A few people made their way toward the dorm building instead of the school castle. Stench of wolves and vampires makes Love scrunch up her nose.

There are times when Levi mentioned to not be shocked when some supernaturals that they always bump into on Earth also attends the school. These people usually keep their lives low-key to their own group, they merely prefer for others not to look at them differently.

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