Chapter X : To The End of Times

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"We are all going to die." Love sighs, realizing that the dryad before her is currently under a blood magick spell. A mind control spell that allows her to ruin a small town.

"Not if we manage to stop the vines from spreading." Nik tells, "we need to find someone mastering in blood magick to do the reverse spell."

Love wides her eyes, aside from necromancy, she has been practicing a reverse spell for blood magick that she will later use to banish the magick surrounding Gardenia. "I can do it."

"Okay, you know what? All you need right now is full body checkup and some pain killers."

"What the hell is going on!" Laurent and Kali suddenly appear, both of them are still in their pajamas. "I was asleep, and suddenly the ground shakes so hard I thought the whole building was-"

Love watches as a Soulless creature approaches them, she pushes Nik off of her, and forces herself to run against the creature that aims itself toward Kali. "No!" She quickly tackles the creature to the ground. With adrenaline pumps through her veins, she grabs it by the neck as it struggles.

Seeing the scene before him, Nikolas holds out a hand, does a simple cross hand move with the other and conjures a ranger sword to his grasp.

Laurent attempts to kick the Soulless creature while Love holds it down to the ground, Kali also attempts to fight off another Soulless of her back. With confidence mixed with fear and confusion, Nikolas steps forward and holds Laurent back. Love looks up at him in surprise when she saw the majestic ranger sword in his grasp.

With all he might, he points the sword right onto its head. Love holds a forearm against its neck. Though he only sees the human form of the creature, but when he looks into her eyes, it's as if she tells him what she sees through only eye contact.

And he believes her.

He drives the sword straight into the head of the Soulless. His eyes closed as he does so. When the dead creature before him begins to crumble, showing its true nature, which is a corpse, he kneels down to take a breather.

"Holy shit," Love gapes, "how did you- that's a- wow."

"Was that a fucking ancient Elven magick?" Laurent wides his eyes in shock.

Love grabs Nikolas by his shirt and pulls him into her embrace. He sighs in relief, "yeah, yeah it was. My mom would be proud." He answers before snaking an arm around her back.

"That was- you know you did the right thing." Love reassures him, "but! We need to get back to-"

A vine suddenly sneaks around her waist. With such force, it quickly snatches her off of Nik's arm. She could not even believe the things happening to her right now, she's a hundred percent sure she has already lost a limb!

"No!" The vine holds her up until she is face-to-face with the dryad. She attempts to struggle out of the grasp of death itself, but the vine around her waists only grow tighter. "Leave me alone!" She yells at the curious dryad.

"I have got her." Says the dryad to whoever is in her head. Love wides her eyes wider. "I will deliver her straight to you, my lady."


"Wait! No! I can-I can get them out of your head!" Love holds up her hands, "I'm harmless. No harm, no bad energy."

The dryad's eyes turn greyish, as if the spell is slowly removing itself off of her. Love, breathing heavily, has decided to gain her trust instead of seeing her as the enemy.

"Love! No!" Levi's scream can be heard, but Love holds out a hand to keep her from attacking the dryad.

Somewhere in her mind, something speaks. The most powerful reversal spell is to gain the trust of the supposedly enemy. Not only it costs no energy, but it also helps the victim inside breaks through the spell of their own.

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