Chapter VII : Scaring Me Like That Again Will Result in You Dying

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Garden of Eden, or exactly the backyard garden of the castle. It is filled with every plants, trees, healing and even poisonous herbs, flowers for offerings, and more. After Love's little therapy session in with Mr. Jacques, Love's finally sent away with another referral note for another session in two days. She walks in to the garden, places some coins by the gate just as she would everytime she is about to enter an unfamiliar space.

Because you'll never know who may be guarding the gates.

Opening up her grimoire, Love skims through the list of herbs that her mother made her write down just incase she was injured physically, and also to ease some of Levi's wounds. Levi's resting in the medic wing of the castle, will stay there overnight until she is able to get up to her feet without being in pain.

"... Mandrake root, Primrose oil, " Love grimaces as she reads the list. Then, she flips the page and decides to make her own protection powder recipe instead.

She looks around the area. People are picking herbs here as well, and somehow the herbs they have just picked, grows back all over again. The magick of Garden of Eden.

"Okay, so, I have most of these," she mumbles to herself, eyes still wandering to find peppermint leaves.

She subconsciously touches the bandaged area on her cheekbone. A little numb, but all is well, as long as she could still move her muscles. "So... what the hell happened?" A familiar voice suddenly appears, startling Love.

Kali is sitting on a chair, a potted plant is placed on top of a wooden table. It's a flower arrangement table.

"Um, what?" Love raises her brows. Kali sighs, grabbing her potted plant before getting up to her feet.

"Your face, dummy, I heard there was a fight." She shrugs. Love notices a red and silver star pendant necklace hanging on Kali's chest.

"Yeah," Love sighs, "this dude beat the shit out of Levi. So, I beat the living hell out of him."

"Wow. You can see through glamour AND fight? You should consider working as the king's guard."

"Pft." Love chuckles, running her fingers through her hair, "what are you doing here anyway?"

"Oh, just picking up the black rose Lady Lilith and I planted last night," she grins, holding up the potted plants, "she sort of wants me to have this on the altar. Apparently, she is ecstatic."

Love nods her head in understanding. "Yep. I get what you mean. Hekate asked for blackberries once, and my dumbass forgot I was allergic, so, I stole a bite or two and my parents had to run me to the hospital."

"I guess that's Hekate's way of telling you not to eat offerings, huh?"

"Yes. She scolded me, and made sure every berries that my parents just bought or picked died."

"Same, except Lady Lilith often punished me by not speaking to me in like 2 days. Lucifer on the other hand..." She shrugs, "anyway, is Lev okay? I may give her a blanket or something."

"Yeah, she is resting in medical wing, actually." Love traces her hand on a flower bush, more like a blue Canterbury Bells that she immediately thinks of someone. Well, someone that she just agreed to go out on a drink with.

She picked some flowers, hold them in her arms, and grabbed a brown paper from the table to wrap the flowers into a small, messy bouquet. "Didn't know Levi liked flowers." Kali comments.

Love smiles, knotting a red cord underneath the wrap to keep them still. "She doesn't."

"Oooh," Kali narrows her eyes suspiciously, "let me guess, your patron Gods or Goddesses?"

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